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音をぶつ切りにする「ゲート」を使用することで、トラックに対して、とても面白い効果をだすことができます。 ここではその使用例を解説していきます。 前項の「かけ録り」を応用したレコーディングテクニックを解説していきます。 この方法を使用することで、 「かけ録り」と「素のトラック」の両方をレコーディングしたり、 異なる音量でレコーディング LoigicProのデフォルト設定では、楽曲テンポを変更すると、MIDIはその変更に従いますが、 オーディオファイルの再生速度は変わりません。 ここでは「MIDIトラック」のように、 オーデ Logic X より搭載された「MIDI FX」 様々なMIDI打ち込みを支援してくれる強力な機能が満載です。 その中の「Chord Trigger」を解説していきます。 コード構成音を各鍵 Logicのプラグイン規格はAUとなっており、VSTプラグインとは非互換になってしまいます。 これにより、VSTのみに対応した音源の使用が制限されてしまうことになります。 この問題を「KOMPLE 作曲作業を行なっていく中で、プロジェクトの再生は言うまでもなく、重要な操作です。 Logicには作業の用途に合わせた、複数の再生モードが用意されています。 このモードを把握し、使いこなしていくこと ここでは「Logic Pro X」上のMIDI音源に対して、異なるMIDIキーボード・デバイスを割り当てて演奏する設定を解説していきます。 MIDIキーボードごとに演奏する音源を指定するなど、ライブ Logic Pro Xはその外観 画面配置 に変化があり、トランスポートや各ボタンの場所なども変更させています。ここではその変更点を中心とし解説を進めていきます。 Smart Controlを使えば、プラグインウインドウを開いて個々のパラメータを調節するよりも、サウンドの調整を素早く行えます。MIDIコントローラーで操作することも可能です。 Arrangement Markerは楽曲構成を設定し、これらの順番を簡単に組み替えることができる機能です。様々な「構成シミュレート」や「楽曲デッサン」に重宝します。 iPadにも「Logic Remote」というアプリが追加されました。無料なのですが、機能はかなり充実しています。ここではダウンロード方法を動画でご紹介致します。 今回は「Logic Remote」の使用方法を中心に解説を行っていきます。初心者の方も非常に楽しく自己表現ができるでしょう。 Logic 実用性が高い機能も多く搭載 前回の解説に続き「Logic 先日リリースされた「Logic Pro X Logic Pro X pond, Mine the walnut slopes beyond, Mine, on bending orchard trees, Apples of Hesperides!

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Even though mastering engineers use the exact same plugins as you or I, how come mastering always feels like a mystery? And unfortunately, not knowing can do more harm than good when you try to master your own mixes. Safety nets that can catch you before you make a mistake. The first option, of course, is to hire a mastering engineer. And in my humble and sincere opinion, hiring out is always a good option.

The human ear is a tricky thing. Try listening to a recording you think sucks. In no time flat, your ears will adjust. And the more involved you become, the more biased your ears and mind have become.

So it will be obvious to that engineer where your mixes need improvement. You can also have a conversation with the mastering engineer and learn how to improve your mixes on your own. However, mastering has several key differences. I call this shift in mindset The 4 Tenets of Mastering. While the tools are the same, the mindset of a mastering engineer is very different from a mix engineer.

In a mix session you have the freedom to adjust individual instruments. Does the kick need some more low end girth? Go ahead and adjust the kick with the Channel EQ.

So their low end will be boosted as well. This first tenet is super important. And it should guide you in every mastering decision you make. No mastering engineer can turn a bad mix into gold. For example, I once had to a client ask me to master their record.

Not to knock the client! But their mixes needed some help. And I knew the mixes could be better. So after some convincing they let me remix their record. When I remixed the record, it was like night and day. Which led to way better masters! At the end of the day, your masters are the final polish on your tracks. The mix is too loud for your plugins to do their thing. Which is why you should always bounce out your mixes with at least 3 — 6 dB of headroom.

That is, your stereo output never exceeds -3 dB on its peak meter. I leave about dB on my own mixes for my mastering engineer. Preferably bit, but nothing smaller than bit. The real question is what Sample Rate was your Project set at? Not so different from what you might use, right? But some processors, like Stereo Widening , might not be something you use very often. Mastering is both science and art.

Think of the Life-Saving Tips like the bumpers in bowling. I know from talking to other home producers that this step often gets skipped. Often because Mix Referencing can be a very humbling experience. These 3 references should match the musical style of your mix. Just be sure to pick mixes you love and would love your master to be comparable to. Us Logic users have no idea how lucky we are! Match EQ measures the frequency differences between two audio tracks. No audio will actually exist on this track:.

What Match EQ will do is spit out an EQ curve that estimates how your mix differs tonally from your reference:. For example, if all 3 curves show a sizeable boost of 5 — 10 dB around hz, write that down. However — these curves are not the Gospel. So compare the notes you wrote down earlier with any trends you notice between the Match EQs. If all 3 curves show you something crazy, like a 15 — 20 dB cut or boost somewhere — go back to your mix.

Something in your mix balance is way off, and needs fixing. This is a safe-guard to prevent you from using too much EQ.

Try to stick to no more than a 3 dB cut or boost anywhere. Part of the mastering process is to bring up the volume of your mix. Your goal is to be competitively loud with your reference tracks. But this can be a dicey thing. There is such thing as too loud. So much so, that broadcast and streaming companies have actually standardized what is acceptably loud.

Or to put another way, the amount of squash occurring due to compression and limiting. Pay attention to the Integrated value for each reference. Write down each value. When we think of mastering, we unfortunately think of loudness. This is a result of modern music production. The Out Ceiling should be set to When your mix exceeds 0 dB, we call this Overloading. Overloads are serious business.

When they leave Logic, the volume stops at 0 dB. This results in Digital Distortion. The Adaptive Limiter protects your mix from this distortion. But the compromise is how loud you can crank your mix until the limiter starts distorting from being squashed by the Limiter. At 0 hz, your speakers are stuck in limbo. Because every time you bypass the Adaptive Limiter, the volume of your track drops by 10 — 15 dB.

By setting the level with the Gain plugin, you can focus better on what the Adaptive Limiter is doing to your mix. Now you can confidently bypass the Limiter without any sudden drops in volume. This makes for easy comparison. Bring the faders of your references back up to 0 dB. And then bring up the volume on the Gain plugin until your track is as loud as your reference tracks. A very famous compressor for gluing together whole mixes is the SSL G bus compressor. When you think you have the Compressor pumping in rhythm with your mix, bring down the Threshold to a more reasonable level.

Shoot for no more than 3 — 4 dB of Gain Reduction. Your goal is to tighten the dynamics and percussive elements, while still allowing the mix to breath. And this can take some time.

By using a Compressor before the Gain and Limiter, you can tighten your mix dynamics. Which in turn gives your mix more room for loudness. WAV files are the highest quality files you can export without degradation.

The sample rate and resolution above are the standards for mastered files. Dither is necessary when you export. But you should only add Dither at the very end. Reducing sample rate and bit depth reduces the quality of your mastered file. Dither is a way to combat these side effects. There are different shapes and sounds to Dither, which Logic provides us with.

Give each a try to see if you prefer one over the other:. It gets pretty science-y when it comes to downsampling and dither. My goal for this post is to give you the tools you need without the science. So just know these are the standards and expectations. That was a ton of info. And honestly, it only scratches the surface for mastering. But the 6 life-saving tips can save you from some serious mistakes.


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