CorporateConnections® Experience

Unparalleled Access to a Community of Global Leaders

We connect leaders around the world and empower them to create opportunities and meaningful change in their organizations, communities and lives.

Our strong set of Core Values guide how our Members engage and conduct business. This alignment creates a unique atmosphere to facilitate growth and transformation.

Structured Meetings

Our 90-minute meeting agenda provides a platform to invite qualified guests for the benefit of other Members, ensuring time and energy is invested towards creating and accelerating opportunities on an ongoing basis.

Executive Workshops

With access to global thought leaders, our Members benefit from best practices and trends shaping business through intimate sessions with influencers from around the world.

Forum Meetings

The CorporateConnections Forum provides a confidential environment in which Members leverage the shared experiences of their peers to gain clarity and make better decisions faster.

Social Events

CorporateConnections goes above and beyond in providing extraordinary experiences, when our members are not doing formal meets in world class locations, they have fun at other social events like retreats & events.

Annual Global Convention

The CorporateConnections Global Convention is the opportunity to meet the world and is the ultimate celebration of our community. With international speakers, access to world-class leaders and once-in-a-lifetime moments, this is the culmination of a year of opportunities, relationships and meaningful change and is truly Where Leaders Connect.

cC Experiences


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