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Index of parallels desktop 13 free
About Parallels Desktop. About Parallels Transporter. Adding and Removing Devices. Adding a Virtual Hard Disk Drive. Parallels Desktop icon to the Dock. USB controller. Sharing Web Applications. Internet Applications Settings. Adding existing virtual machine. IP address. MAC address. MAC address in cloned virtual machine. Custom Installation Mode. Typical Installation Mode. Add Hardware Assistant. Clone to Template Virtual Machine Asisstant.
Clone Virtual Machine Assistant. Delete Virtual Machine Assistant. Deploy Virtual Machine Template Assistant. New Virtual Machine Assistant. Working With Snapshots. Backing Up a Virtual Machine. SmartGuard Settings. Boot Order Settings. Installing a Guest Operating System. Network Adapter Settings. Bridged Ethernet Networking. Networking in a Virtual Machine. Virtual Machine Window.
Customizing Toolbar. Clipboard Syncronization Tool. Coherence settings. Working in Coherence. Changing the View Mode. Compacting virtual hard disks. Compressing virtual hard disks. Parallels Virtual Machine. Connect USB devices automatically. Setting Up a Printer in Virtual Machine.
Boot Camp virtual machine. Setting Up a Virtual Machine. Parallels Virtual Machines Dialog. Custom Boot Camp configuration.
Data disk for Boot Camp partition. Default folder for virtual machines. Network Preferences. Appearance Preferences. Starting Parallels Desktop. Editing virtual machine configuration. Floppy Settings. Support for Virtual and Real Disks. Suspending and Pausing a Virtual Machine. Adding a Floppy Disk Drive. Sharing Folders and Disks. Shared Folders Settings. General Preferences. Keyboard and Mouse Preferences. Getting Technical Support. Reporting a Problem to Parallels Team. Custom installation.
Typical installation. Windows Express installation. Using Parallels Image Tool. Getting Help. Host-Only Networking. Using Keyboard Shortcuts in a Virtual Machine. AC\’97 sound driver. Parallels Compressor. Parallels Desktop. Parallels Explorer. Parallels Image Tool. Parallels Tools. Windows XP. Intel Virtualization Technology VT-x. F8 key in Windows guest OS. Parallels Tools Overview. In a Linux guest OS. Memory Preferences. Memory Settings. Browsing Virtual Hard Disks in Finder.
Right-click options. Parallels network adapter. Bridged Ethernet. Shared Networking. Shared Networking NAT. Creating a Virtual Machine. Parallels Compressor Working Principles. How to Run Parallels Compressor. Appearance preferences. General preferences. USB preferences. Configuring Parallels Desktop Preferences. Parallels virtual appliances. Boot Camp partition. Express Windows Installation.
Default Installation Mode. RAM settings for virtual machines. Registering Parallels Desktop. Releasing keyboard and mouse.
[Index of parallels desktop 13 free
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