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Windows 10 home change user name free download
If you want to change user folder name in Windows 10 but find that there is no Rename option when you right-click the user folder in C drive, this post provides 2 ways to let you rename user folder in Windows FYI, MiniTool software provides windows 10 home change user name free download useful software to help you better manage your Windows computer incl.
To change user folder name in Windows 10, the common practice we may think of is to odwnload to C drive and open the Users folder in Windows 10, then right-click the target user folder and click Rename to give it a new name. However, you may find that there is no Rename option after you right-click the user folder. Then how to change user folder name in Windows 10? This tutorial provides 2 ways to help you with Windows 10 change user folder name task.
But some people find that this only changes the user windows 10 home change user name free download name, but not the user account name. If you search a file in the user folder, you will find that the user folder name in the directory is still the old one.
To really change user account name in Windows 10 and rename the user folder, you can try Way 2. Attention: Changing user folder name or editing chaneg Registry is risky and may cause data loss. Do at your own risk. You can also create a system restore point to easily restore Windows 10 OS if something bad happens. This way is a little bit complicated, but you can try if chage really want to rename word 2013 free download Windows 10 user folder.
Then select the Administrator account that you created to log in. Then you can open C drive on your computer and open Users folder. Right-click the target user folder hcange rename it. Windows 10 home change user name free download you can input wndows new user folder name at the changr of the directory under Value data. Click OK to save the changes. Restart your computer to make the changes take effect. Check: How windows 10 home change user name free download rownload and restore Registry.
Select the target user account, and click Properties to open its properties window. Change your user name.
You can copy frree new user name in File Explorer and paste it into the box to avoid wrong input. Click Apply and click OK dowmload save the setting. Then узнать больше здесь the user account with the new name to sign in. Please be noted that we do not advise you to change user folder dhange in Windows 10 or edit the registry.
If you want to change both, you may try Way 2, but be careful, do not mess up, or you may be unable to log into your account and cause computer malfunction. Alisa is a professional English editor with 4-year experience. Through her articles, users can always easily get related problems solved and find what they want. In spare time, she likes basketball, badminton, tennis, cycling, running, and singing.
She is very funny and energetic in life, and always brings friends lots of laughs. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit. About The Author. Alisa Follow us. User Comments : Post Comment.
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replace.me › Partition Magic. Way 1. Change User Name Windows 10 via Control Panel Step 1. Type control panel in the Windows 10 Cortana search box and then click the best. Way 1. Use the Top-right Search Bar in File Explorer · Way 2. Change User Folder Name in Windows 10 with Registry Editor.