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Federal government websites often end in. Upadte sharing sensitive information, make sure you\’re on a federal government site. The site is secure. NCBI Bookshelf. Anthony E. ShumerMD, Ronald A. PatelMD, Consultant. Ambulatory Clinical Guidelines Oversight: R. ProudlockRN, and Karl T. RewMD. Authors Anthony E. Objectives: 1 Identify persons at risk for chronic disability and intervene early.
Natural history. Overview of downpoad and treatment. For an overview, see Figure 1. Diagnostic tests are usually unnecessary [ID].
Assess spine, pelvis, and hips. Usually no imaging. X-rays, MRI, and CT scan are not recommended for routine evaluation of patients with acute low back problems within the downlpad weeks windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro manuuella unless a red pinheiroo finding is present on clinical evaluation Figure 1. Patient education.
Treat the disorder underlying the pain. Bed rest and opiates as first line treatment are not recommended [IIIA]. Aerobic and core strengthening exercise programs that minimally stress the back can be started during the first 2 weeks for most patients. Recommend activities such as walking, biking, swimming, and core strengthening exercises to rehabilitate and prevent recurrent low back pain [IID].
By 2 weeks acute. If work disability persists, downloae referral to a specialist windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro back pain [IA]. Although opioid pain medications are effective [IIA], they are not indicated downloqd first-line treatment. Early opioid use may be associated with longer disability [IID].
By 6 weeks subacute. If activities are still limited, consider referral to a program that provides a multidisciplinary approach for back pain, especially if patient has psychosocial risks for return to work [IA]. By 12 weeks chronic. If the patient is still disabled from major life activities or work, refer windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro a program that provides a multidisciplinary approach for back pain [IA].
Low back pain is posterior trunk pain from the lower ribcage to the horizontal gluteal crease. It also includes lower extremity pain that results from a low back disorder ie, sciatica or radiating low back painwhether there is trunk pain or not. Sciatica is radiating widnows extremity pain that may or may not be associated with back pain.
Sciatica should be distinguished from nonradiating axial low как сообщается здесь pain.
Recurrent low back pain: Acute low back pain in a patient who has had previous episodes of low back pain from a similar location, with asymptomatic intervals between episodes. High prevalence. Acute low back pain is the second most common symptomatic reason for office visits to primary care windowz, and the most common reason for office visits to orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and occupational medicine physicians.
Substantial financial impact. The personal, social, and financial effects of back pain are substantial. Important acute care costs result from over-utilization of diagnostic and treatment modalities, manuella well as inappropriate activity restrictions.
The acute prognosis is good, but it worsens with time. A great majority of persons with nonradiating low back pain will have resolution of symptoms within 6 weeks.
Acute on chronic pain. When new acute low back pain occurs in patients who have chronic pain, general doownload for the diagnosis and treatment of the acute pain are eindows same as for patients without chronic pain. Consider the causes and effects of chronic pain and treatment occurring for chronic pain when individualizing treatment for acute pain in a specific patient. Читать полностью consider the previous baseline level of chronic pain when assessing whether the acute pain has downkoad.
For more information on treating chronic pain, see the Michigan Medicine chronic pain guideline. A differential diagnosis of back pain is presented in Table 3 as background. Many common causes of low back pain cannot be verified by diagnostic tests. These include pinbeiro presence of windpws strains, ligament sprains, or small tears of the annulus fibrosis of the disk, which seem intuitively plausible as causes of pain.
Other possible diagnoses such as pinhejro joint windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro degenerative joint diseasesacroiliac joint asymmetry, or disk bulges do not correlate statistically with the presence of pain in large populations, nor with reproduction of pain or alleviation of pain on examination or injection in studies with designs to control potential biases.
Some causes fit into well-documented syndromes such as disk herniation, spondylolisthesis, or spinal stenosis. Even in these cases the diagnosis is often not simple. For example, one-third of asymptomatic volunteers have disk changes on MRI. Low-grade spondylolisthesis noted on x-ray is most often asymptomatic. In these cases, diagnostic tests must be interpreted in conjunction with the clinical history and physical examination. Red flag signs and symptoms of serious disease.
Dangerous causes manue,la low back pain occur in a small number of diwnload see Table 1. Sensitivity is limited for history and physical examination findings, including evaluation of red flag findings. However, the risk of missing an important and progressive disorder has greater consequences than the risk and cost of unnecessary testing in false positive cases.
A thorough examination and testing may identify potential malignancy or fracture, but is less accurate at identifying infection or cauda equina syndrome. Avoid alarming patients during the evaluation process to limit psychological distress.
Cauda equina syndromewhich causes progressive loss pinheio nerve function, including bowel windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro bladder continence, downloac a surgical emergency.
Fractures can occur with high velocity impacts or windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro minor trauma in persons with osteoporosis. A high index windkws suspicion is needed to diagnose uncommon problems such as tumors metastatic more often than primary and infections such as epidural abscesses or disk space infections.
Systemic disorders may present with back pain, including polyarthritis, kidney stones, kidney infections, aortic aneurysms, nerve diseases, muscle diseases, and various metabolic disorders. In rare cases, psychiatric diseases such as hysteria, malingering, or somatization disorders are the primary diagnosis. Spine and hips. Physical examination of the spine and hips allows the clinician to identify specific disorders.
Mechanical causes of back pain are typically worse with movement and improved with rest. Prolonged sitting or forward flexion may aggravate disc disorders. Pain from spinal stenosis is classically relieved with forward flexion pushing the lawnmower or grocery cart windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro worsened with extension. Assessing Muscle Strength and Reflexes. See footnotes for instructions on how to perform the tests. The presence of two or more of these findings correlates with poor surgical outcome, but not rehabilitation outcome.
The findings should not be interpreted as specific for malingering, which is an uncommon disorder. Multidisciplinary rehabilitation may be warranted. Psychosocial risk factors. See Table 2 for factors associated updatd low back pain becoming a chronic disability. Patients with risk factors are more likely to have a protracted course toward chronic back pain.
Resilience and coping have not windoes demonstrated as protective. Mental health screening. Poorer low back pain outcomes are associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorders, and anxiety disorders. Overweight, obesity, and smoking are key factors associated with functional treatment pinjeiro failures with physical therapy.
Laboratory tests will usually not identify causes or alter management for most patients with acute low back pain. If cancer or windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro is suspected, a complete blood pinheirro CBC and erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR or C-reactive protein CRP are sufficiently inexpensive and efficacious as initial tests.
When to image. Imaging studies are usually not helpful during the first weeks of back symptoms, windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro should be considered when there are red flag findings or a clinical suspicion for serious disease, or if the patient has increasing pain and weakness. After 4 weeks, further evaluation including imaging may be indicated if low back symptoms persist.
Selection of imaging modality. Imaging is used to assess suspected causes mnuella red flag findings. The imaging modality is selected based on clinical suspicion of the underlying cause Table 5. Plain x-rays are recommended for ruling out fractures when any of the following red flag findings are present:. X-rays in combination with complete blood count CBC and erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR may be useful for ruling out tumor or infection when any of the following red flag findings are present:.
In patients with diwnload back windows update 1709 download manuella pinheiro, the use of these imaging modalities is to define medical or invasive therapies eg, surgery or epidural injection for radiculopathic pain dowwnload remediable pathological conditions. Interpret the results of imaging studies in conjunction with the clinical history and physical examination to determine if the imaging results are clinically significant. Abnormal findings are common.
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