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今日は曇り。午後に少し晴れ間も出ましたが、気温が低く寒い1日。 海は北風なので凪です。ボートは波がありましたがビーチはとっても穏やかでした。 今日は昨日からお泊りのみほっぺ、10日ぶりにおかんが来てくれて、鵜原へ。 激しめのボートと穏やかなビーチで張り付きダイビン . 繝ォ繝シ繝亥喧縲√Μ繧ォ繝舌Μ縺ョ繧、繝ウ繧ケ繝医 シ繝ォ縲;alaxy J7 Pro シ SM-J シ峨 ョ繝ュ繝 繧ッ隗」髯、縺ョ譁ケ豕,隱ー縺ォ縺ァ繧ゅ〒縺阪kxrd繧ス繝輔ヨ繧ヲ繧ァ繧「縺ョ辟。譁吶ム繧ヲ繝ウ繝ュ繝シ繝,MotuPatlu-繧ュ繝ウ繧ー繧ェ繝悶く繝ウ繧ー繧ケ譏 逕サ繝 繧ヲ繝ウ繝ュ繝シ繝峨. Adobe Creative Cloud for education provides educational institutions with industry-leading creative tools and centralized software management and deployment. Adobe tools empower students to think creatively and communicate expressively, so they can turn their classroom ideas into college and career opportunities. And we offer special.


Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Classroom in a Book PDF Book | Free PDF Books

The 18 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Dreamweaver CS5. Readers learn what they need to know to. Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Classroom in a Book includes the lesson iles that you\’ll need to complete the exercises in this book.


Adobe dreamweaver cs5 classroom in a book pdf free


Print style sheets often adjust colors to work better for laser and inkjet printers, hide unneeded page elements, or adjust page sizes and layouts to be more suitable for printing. When the print queue is activated, the printing application checks for a print- media style sheet. If one is present, the relevant CSS rules are taken into account.

Displaying the style rendering toolbar If no media-type attribute appears in a style sheet, the browser or web applica- tion assumes that the CSS styles are intended for screen display. However, you have the ability to switch what media type is rendered in Design view by using the Style Rendering toolbar.

Leave it visible for the next exercise. Make sure the site root folder is targeted. From the Media ield menu, choose print. At the moment, both style sheets are identical. You will modify the print style sheet in the next exercise. Using the print- media style sheet, you can hide unwanted portions of a page. Before you can hide these menus, we need to create a new rule.

Delete repeat-y from the Background-repeat ield. Deleting the image reference is not enough. Click the Live view button.

Although the Style Rendering toolbar is set to Print, Dreamweaver ignores the print-media styles and renders the page for the screen.

To properly test the page, you have to use the print preview function in an actual browser. P Note: Some 15 Once the page has loaded in the browser, activate print preview. Always test printing the butterly logo and the page borders. In the Border category, what other styles you if necessary, select the Same For All option in the Style section. Choose none need to modify for from the Top Style ield. You should know enough now to keep the butterly logo from printing, too.

Take a few minutes here and see if you can do it. Whenever you can remove unneeded code from your pages, you should do so.

It reduces ile size and allows the pages to download and respond more quickly. You can delete unneeded styles using the CSS Styles panel.

Click Yes to delete multiple rules. In fact, you can remove all the rules that format hyperlink behavior. After deleting any rules, make sure you test the page in the browser and in the print application. Observe the screen display in Design view. Dreamweaver renders the document for the web. Dreamweaver renders the screen using the print style sheet.

You have adapted a screen-media style sheet to render a webpage more appropriately in print. You have completed the basic design of the page that will be used as the project template, and you have adapted it to print media. In the next lesson, you will learn how to convert this layout into a dynamic web template. Observe the design and structure of this page. Note the mouse icon Dreamweaver displays. Type Get a fresh start with GreenStart to replace the text.

Select your default browser. For all intents and purposes, a template-based page is just a normal HTML ile. Creating a template from an existing layout A template is a type of master page from which related child pages are produced. Templates are useful for setting up and maintaining the overall look and feel of a website, while providing a means for quickly and easily producing site content.

A template is diferent from the pages you have already completed; it contains areas that are editable and other areas that are not. Templates enable a workgroup environment where page content can be created and edited by several people on the team, while the web designer is able to control the page design and speciic ele- ments that must remain unchanged. Or, if you are starting from scratch in this exercise, in the lesson06 folder.

Because of their special nature, templates are stored in their own folder, Templates, which Dreamweaver automatically creates at the site root level. Leave the Description ield empty. If you have more than one ilename, like adding template in a site, a description may be useful. P Note: A dialog box may appear asking about saving the ile without deining editable regions; just click Yes to save anyway. An untitled dialog box appears asking whether you want to update links.

Since the template is saved in a subfolder, updating the links in the code is neces- sary so that they will continue to work properly when you create child pages later. Although the page still looks exactly the same, you can identify a template in two ways.

Second, the ile extension is. A template is dynamic, meaning that Dreamweaver maintains a connection to all pages within the site that are derived from it. Whenever you add or change content within the dynamic regions of the page and save it, Dreamweaver passes those changes to all the child pages automatically, keeping them up to date. Some sections of the page should contain areas where you can insert unique content.

Dreamweaver allows you to designate these areas of the page as editable. Inserting editable regions When you irst create a template, Dreamweaver treats all the existing content as part of the master design.

Child pages created from the template would be exact duplicates, except that the content would be locked and uneditable. You get around this barrier by deining editable regions in the template. First, give some thought to which areas of the page should be part of the template and which should be open for editing. Each editable region must have a unique name, but there are no other special conventions. However, keeping them short and descriptive is a good practice. In Design view, you will see the name in a blue tab above the designated area, identifying it as an editable region.

It contains an P Note: If you are image placeholder and caption that you can customize on each page. But it also building this template using an alternative includes the vertical menu, which will hold the main navigation links for the HTML 4 layout site. Adding a title to each page is a good practice. Each title should relect the speciic content or purpose of the page. But many designers also append the name of the company or organization to help build more corporate or organizational awareness.

Adding the name in the template will save time typing it in each child page later. P Note: The Update You now have two editable regions, plus an editable title that can be changed as Template Pages dialog needed when you create new child pages using this template. Since there are no template child pages made from this template.

Once a child page has open a template in a been created from a template, only the content within the editable regions can be text editor, all the code modiied in the child page. If you editable regions of the open the page in a text editor, like Notepad or TextEdit, the code is fully editable. Dreamweaver creates a new page based on the template.

Note the name of the template ile displayed in the upper-right corner of the document window. Before modifying the page, you should save it. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the root folder for your project site.

Certain areas, such as the header, menu bar, and footer, are locked and cannot be modiied. Type About Meridien GreenStart to replace the text. Type GreenStart — green awareness in action! Select the placeholder text Insert content here in the MainContent region. In the Select Image Source dialog box, select shopping. But only areas outside the editable regions will be updated.

Typically, it is grouped with the Files panel. Click the refresh icon if no templates appear in the list. Type GreenStart Home to replace the text. Type Headlines to replace the text. Select the Show Log option at the bottom of the dialog box to display a report detailing which pages were successfully updated and which ones were not.

Observe the page and note any changes. At the same time, the boilerplate elements of the header, footer, and horizontal menu all remain consistently formatted and up to date based on the status of the template.

Dreamweaver even updates linked documents that are open at the time. If Dreamweaver or your computer were to crash at this moment, the changes would be lost and you would have to update the page manually or wait until the next time you make changes to the template to take advantage of the automatic update feature.

Library items are reusable bits of HTML—paragraphs, links, copyright notices, tables, images, navigation bars, and so on—that you use frequently but not on every page within a website and therefore would not necessarily include in the site template.

You can use existing page elements or create original library items from scratch and add copies of them where needed. A library item is a like a template, only on a small scale. As with templates, when you make and save changes to a library item, Dreamweaver automatically updates every page that uses that item. In fact, they are so similar in behavior that some worklows may favor library items over templates altogether.

Or, you could implement common page elements using library items. No items appear in the library for this lesson. A dialog box appears explaining that the library item may not look the same when placed in other documents because style sheet information is not included.

Type vertical-nav in the Library Item Name ield. First, to be uploaded to the it creates a library item from the selected menu code and inserts an Untitled server. Second, it replaces the existing menu with the library item code. And third, it creates a folder called Library at the site root level to store this and other items.

Working with library items is similar to using a template. You insert the library item on each page as desired and then update the items as needed. Position the cursor over the vertical menu. Observe the menu display. Switch to Code view. Insert your cursor in the selected code. P Note: A dialog box may appear at any time in this or the next two steps warning you that the changes you made will be discarded the next time you update the page from the template.

Select a browser from the list. Dreamweaver is keeping track of the library item and your edits, intentional or otherwise. As you will see shortly, the change you made will be short-lived. Finally, a dialog appears warning you that you have made changes to code that was locked.

It further explains that the original code will be restored the next time you update the template or library item. P Note: The manual change to the library item will remain in the menu for the time being. Save all changes. Dreamweaver updates any pages in the site that use the library item and reports the results of the process.

At least one page should be updated. Library items allow you to insert repeatable content throughout the site and update it without having to open the iles individually. Formatting is applied via CSS in the actual page layout.

Select the text News and type Headlines to replace it. Observe the vertical menu. Observe the vertical menu in Live view. As you can see, using library items and templates can save you a lot of time when you want to change and update more than one page. But Dreamweaver still has one more trick up its productivity sleeve: server-side includes. Unlike library items, SSIs must be stored on the web, preferably in your site folder. On the upside, server-side includes are the most eicient and timesaving way to add reusable HTML code elements to a large number of pages.

On the downside, dozens or even hundreds of pages on your site could depend on one ile to operate correctly. Any error in the code or path name, even a minor one, could cause your entire site to fail. For small sites, library items can be a perfectly workable solution. For large sites, it would be hard to live without SSIs. In this exercise, you will create an SSI and add it to a page in your site. In this exercise, you will create an SSI from the code creating the vertical menu. In Design view, right-click the vertical menu.

Select Detach From Original in the context menu. A dialog box appears explaining that if you make this item editable, it will no longer be possible to automatically update it when the original changes. Select Blank Page from the Category section. Note that the Untitled document is a completely formed webpage.

P Note: If you copy elements in Code view, he code is deleted, leaving an empty window. Navigate to the site root folder. Name the folder includes. Select the newly created includes folder, if necessary. Name the ile vertical-nav. You have completed the SSI for the vertical menu. In the next exercise, you will learn how to insert it into a webpage. A command inserted in the code of any page on your site would make a call to the server to add the HTML include in the indicated location.

Depending on the type of server you are using, the exact markup may vary. It will also afect the ile extension you use for both the SSI and the webpage ile itself. If you save the ile with the default. But in some instances, you may need to save the SSI itself with a diferent extension.

In this exercise, you will replace the existing menu with the one stored in the SSI. Observe the code where the menu should appear.

Although the code is not present here, the menu will look and function normally on the Internet as well as in Dreamweaver. Invisible includes? To test SSIs properly, you may have to upload the page to a server conigured to work with dynamic content. Click the Live view button to preview the page. Test the functionality of the vertical menu. As using. Testing them on your local hard drive requires that you install and run a local web server.

Changes made must be saved and updated to all the appropriate pages, and then each newly updated page must be uploaded to the server. When the change involves hundreds of pages, the problem is compounded. When you use SSIs, on the other hand, the only ile that must be changed, saved, and uploaded is the include ile itself.

To see this method in action, it helps to insert the SSI into more than one page. Replace the library item holding the vertical menu with the SSI, vertical-nav. You can also open the SSI by double-clicking its name in the Files panel. Type Green Club on the new line. You have added a new menu item, complete with hyperlink placeholder. Observe the vertical menu in both iles. You should also notice one more update the SSI instantly. So when the code was changed in you actually saved the vertical-nav.

SSI, as needed. Many other webpage elements—such as logos, menus, privacy notices, and banners—can be added to your site using these easily maintained server-side includes. For small sites, templates and library items are ine; but for large sites, using SSIs instead can garner huge productivity gains. In the upcoming lessons, you will use the newly completed template to create iles for the project site. However, once you have a full-ledged testing server installed and operating, feel free to permanently replace any appropriate template and library items with equivalent SSIs.

When the template is updated, it can pass the changes to the dynamic areas of the child pages. Locate the desired template and click Create. But whereas the code for library items is inserted fully in the targeted page, the code for server-side includes is inserted in the page by the server, dynamically. Click the New Library Item button at the bottom of the Library category of the Assets panel, and then name the library item.

Enter the desired content. In Code view, remove any page elements from the code except the content you want included. Save the ile in the proper format for your worklow. Close any iles currently open if Dreamweaver is running. If you are using the Jumpstart method, all lesson iles will appear in the site root folder.

Dreamweaver allows you to open one or more iles at the same time. Choose Open from the context menu. All four iles open. Tabs at the top of the document window identify each ile. Note the headings and text elements used.

Note the bulleted list elements used. Note that text elements are indented and formatted. Note the two table elements used. In the following exercises, you will create these pages and learn how to format each of these elements. Creating and styling text Most websites are composed of large blocks of text with a few images sprinkled in for visual interest. Dreamweaver provides a variety of means of creating, importing, and styling text to meet any need. In the following exercises, you will learn a variety of techniques for how to work with and format text.

A new page is created based on the site template. Publication date. Print length. See all details. Next page. About the Author The Adobe Creative Team is made up of designers, writers, and editors who have extensive, real-world knowledge of and expertise in using Adobe products.

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You will need to copy these lesson folders to your hard drive before you can begin each lesson. Made in the USA. Hollywood, CA rickyrecords.

Using InDesign, you can produce professional-quality, full-color documents on high-volume color printing presses, or print to a wide range of output devices and formats, including desktop printers and high-resolution imaging devices. Writers, artists, designers, and publishers can communicate to a broader audience than ever before and through an unprecedented variety of media.

InDesign supports this with its seamless integration with other Creative Suite 5 components. The lessons are designed so that you can learn at your own pace. Each lesson provides step-by-step instructions for creating a specific project.

You can follow the book from start to finish, or do only the lessons that meet your interests and needs. Prerequisites Before beginning to use Adobe InDesign CS5 Classroom in a Book, you should have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system. Make sure that you know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands, and also how to open, save, and close files.

If you need to review these techniques, see the printed or online documentation included with your operating system. Some of the fonts can be found on the product DVD, and some will be installed with InDesign for your convenience. Each lesson has its own folder; you must copy the folders to your hard disk to complete the lessons. To ensure that the preferences and default settings of your Adobe InDesign CS5 program match those used in this book, you should move the current InDesign Defaults file to a different location before you begin working on the lessons.

When you have finished the book, you can return the saved InDesign Defaults file to its original folder, which restores the preferences and default settings used before you started working on the lessons. When you launch Adobe InDesign CS5 after moving the InDesign Defaults file to another folder, a new InDesign Defaults file is automatically created and all preferences and defaults are reset to their original factory settings.

Click OK to close the Folder Options dialog box and save any changes. Only the commands and options used in the lessons are explained in this book. For comprehensive information about program features and tutorials refer to these resources: Adobe Community Help: Community Help brings together active Adobe product users, Adobe product team members, authors, and experts to give you the most useful, relevant, and up-to-date information about Adobe products.

Search results will show you not only content from Adobe, but also from the community. This companion application lets you search and browse Adobe and community content, plus you can comment on and rate any article just like you would in the browser. However, you can also download Adobe Help and language reference content for use offline.

You can download the application from www. Adobe content is updated based on community feedback and contributions. You can contribute in several ways: add comments to content or forums, including links to web content; publish your own content using Community Publishing; or contribute Cookbook Recipes. Find out how to contribute: www.

Adobe InDesign Help and Support: www. Adobe Design Center: www. Adobe Developer Connection: www. Resources for educators: www. Adobe InDesign CS5 product home page: www. Adobe certification The Adobe training and certification programs are designed to help Adobe customers improve and promote their product-proficiency skills. You can use Adobe certification as a catalyst for getting a raise, finding a job, or promoting your expertise.

If you are an ACE-level instructor, the Adobe Certified Instructor program takes your skills to the next level and gives you access to a wide range of Adobe resources. Adobe Authorized Training Centers offer instructor-led courses and training on Adobe products, employing only Adobe Certified Instructors. For information on the Adobe Certified programs, visit www. Specify how you want to be notified and which applications you want to update, and then click Done.

You can easily obtain these updates through Adobe Application Manager, as long as you have an active Internet connection. The Adobe Application Manager checks for updates available for your Adobe software.

Adobe BrowserLab is for web designers and developers who need to preview and test their web pages on multiple browsers and operating systems. Unlike other browser compatibility solutions, BrowserLab renders screenshots virtually on demand with multiple viewing and diagnostic tools, and can be used with Dreamweaver CS5 to preview local content and different states of interactive pages.

Being an online service, BrowserLab has fast development cycles, with greater flexibility for expanded browser support and updated functionality. Adobe CS Review is for creative professionals who want a new level of efficiency in the creative review process. Unlike other services that offer online review of creative content, only CS Review lets you publish a review to the web directly from within InDesign, Photoshop, Photoshop Extended, and Illustrator and view reviewer comments back in the originating Creative Suite application.

Unlike collaborating via email and attending time-consuming in-person meetings, Acrobat. Adobe Story is for creative professionals, producers, and writers working on or with scripts. Story is a collaborative script development tool that turns scripts into metadata that can be used with the Adobe CS5 Production Premium tools to streamline workflows and create video assets.

SiteCatalyst NetAverages is for web and mobile professionals who want to optimize their projects for wider audiences. NetAverages provides intelligence on how users are accessing the web, which helps reduce guesswork early in the creative process. You can access aggregate user data such as browser type, operating system, mobile device profile, screen resolution, and more, which can be shown over time.

The data is derived from visitor activity to participating Omniture SiteCatalyst customer sites. Unlike other web intelligence solutions, NetAverages innovatively displays data using Flash, creating an engaging experience that is robust yet easy to follow.

You can access CS Live three different ways: 1 Set up access when you register your Creative Suite 5 products and get complimentary access that includes all of the features and workflow benefits of using CS Live with CS5. Note, this option does not give you access to the services from within your products.

See www. This lesson will take approximately 45 minutes. Scroll down to see page 2 of the document. Click each menu to see new commands highlighted. For example, you can choose to display only the panels you frequently use, minimize and rearrange panel groups, resize windows, add more document windows, and so on. The configuration of the work area is referred to as the workspace.

You can choose among default, special-purpose configurations Typography, Printing and Proofing, and so on and save your own workspaces. By default, the Tools panel is docked essentially, glued to the upper-left corner of the work area. In this exercise, you will undock the Tools panel, change it to horizontal, and experiment with selecting tools. Drag the horizontal scroll bar to the left to see the Tools panel against the pasteboard rather than the page.

When the Tools panel is floating, it can be a two-column vertical panel, a singlecolumn vertical panel, or a single-column horizontal row. The Tools panel becomes one horizontal row. The keyboard shortcuts are shown in the tool tips; for example, the tool tip for the Selection tool has V, Escape next to it. This means you can press V or Escape to switch to the Selection tool.

When you release the key, you revert to the previously selected key. Some tools in the Tools panel display a small black triangle in the lower-right corner to indicate the tool has additional related, but hidden tools. To select a hidden tool, click and hold down the mouse button to display the menu; then select the tool that you want. Select the Erase tool and notice how it replaces the Pencil tool. This is the default tool that displays. For tools with a small black triangle, click the tool and hold down the mouse button to see its pop-up menu of additional tools.

Click the double arrow again to return to the default Tools panel. Release the Tools panel when a blue line appears along the edge of the workspace. Reviewing the Application bar Across the top of the default workspace is the Application bar, which lets you launch Adobe Bridge CS5; change the magnification of the document; show and hide layout aids such as rulers and guides; change the screen mode among options such as Normal, Preview, and Presentation mode; and control how document windows display.

At the far right, you can select a workspace, search Adobe help resources, and enter CS Live, the video training resources from Adobe. You cannot hide the Application bar in Windows. By default, the Control panel is docked just below the Application bar; however, you can dock it below the document window, convert it to a floating panel, or hide it altogether.

Notice the information in the Control panel. It reflects the position, size, and other attributes of the selected object. The options and commands that now appear allow you to control text formatting.

Choose a different option from the Type Style menu to reformat the selected text. Release the mouse button to make the panel float. A blue line indicates where the panel is going to be docked when you release the mouse button. Reviewing the document window The document window contains all the pages in the document. Each page or spread is surrounded by its own pasteboard, which can store objects for the document as you create a layout.

Objects on the pasteboard do not print. The pasteboard also provides additional space along the edges of the document for extending objects past the page edge, which is called a bleed.

Bleeds are used when an object must print to the edge of a page. Controls for switching pages in the document are in the lower left of the document window. You can import multiple placed images or text files and keep them on the pasteboard until you are ready to use them. This mimics working in a Windows application.

Working with multiple document windows You can have more than one document window open at a time. Click the Arrange Documents button to see all the options. Notice that the other window stays at the same magnification.

This configuration lets you see how any changes you make to the white box affect the rest of the layout. This creates a tab for each window. The original document window remains open. Working with panels Panels provide quick access to commonly used tools and features. By default, panels are docked at the right side of the screen except the aforementioned Tools panel and Control panel. The default panels differ depending on the selected workspace, and each workspace remembers its panel configuration.

You can reorganize panels in various ways. Expanding and collapsing panels In this exercise, you will expand and collapse a panel, hide the panel names, and expand all the panels in the dock.

This technique is handy if you want to open a panel, use it briefly, and then close it. If the panel name has a check mark, it is already open and in front of any other panels in its panel group. You can drag the Info panel icon up or down within the dock to reposition it. Then, you will expand all the panels in the dock. Click the Expand Panels button to collapse and expand the panels.

Drag the left edge of the panel dock to collapse the panels into icons. If you click the double arrow again, the panels collapse back to icons without names. Rearranging and customizing panels In this exercise, you will drag a single panel out of the dock to create a free-floating panel. Then, you will drag another panel into that panel to create a custom panel group.

You will also ungroup the panels, stack them, and minimize them. A detached panel is called a floating panel. Release the mouse button when the blue line appears along the perimeter of the Paragraph Styles panel. This action creates a panel group; you can drag any panel into a group.

Release the mouse button when a blue line appears. The panels are now stacked rather than grouped. Stacked panels attach vertically to each other. You can move the panels as a unit by dragging the topmost title bar. Double-click the area again to expand the panels. Using panel menus Most panels have additional panel-specific options. To access these options, you click the panel menu button to display a menu with additional commands and options for the selected panel.

In this exercise, you will change the display of the Swatches panel. You can use the Swatches panel menu to create new color swatches, load swatches from another document, and more. You can save the menu customization with your custom workspace.

Select Swatches and Styles from the Name menu and click Delete. A workspace is a configuration of panels and menus. InDesign features a variety of default workspaces for special purposes, such as Book, Printing and Proofing, and Typography.

You cannot modify the default workspaces, but you can save your own. In this exercise, you will save the customizations from the previous exercises. If necessary, select Panel Locations and Menu Customization. Click OK. Choose each of the other workspaces to see the different default configurations. Click the menus in addition to looking at the panels. If you close the Application bar, on Mac 0S, the zoom controls appear in the lower-left corner of the document window.

Depending on the dimensions of your document and your screen resolution, you may or may not see the entire document onscreen. Using the Zoom tool In addition to the view commands, you can use the Zoom tool to magnify and reduce the view of a document. In this exercise, you will experiment with the Zoom tool. Notice that a plus sign appears in the center of the Zoom tool. The view changes to the next preset magnification, centered on the point where you clicked.

A minus sign appears in the center of the Zoom tool. You can also use the Zoom tool to drag a marquee around a portion of a document to magnify a specific area. Because the Zoom tool is used frequently during the editing process to enlarge and reduce the view of your document, you can temporarily select it from the keyboard at any time without deselecting any other tool you may be using. When you release the keys, the pointer returns to the Selection tool.

Navigating through a document There are several different ways to navigate through an InDesign document, including using the Pages panel, the Hand tool, the Go To Page dialog box, and controls in the document window.

The Pages panel provides page icons for all of the pages in your document. Double-clicking any page icon or page number in the panel brings that page or spread into view. In this exercise, you will experiment with turning pages. Click the Pages panel icon to collapse the Pages panel. Click the down arrow and choose 1.

In this exercise, you will experiment with the Hand tool. Legal Notice: Peachpit Press makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

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To report errors, please send a note to errata peachpit. For information on getting permission for reprints and excerpts, contact permissions peachpit. Mac OS i s a trad folder inside the Lessons folder. You will need to copy these lesson folders to your hard drive before you s te m s can begin each lesson.

Made in the USA. Photoshop CS5 pushes the boundaries of digital image editing and helps you turn your dreams into designs more easily than ever before. You can follow the book from start to finish, or do only the lessons that match your interests and needs. New exercises and lessons cover: t Using the Mixer Brush tool and bristle tip options to achieve realistic paint strokes.

Photoshop Extended features include: t he ability to import 3D images and video, and to edit individual frames or image sequence files by painting, cloning, retouching, or transforming them. Prerequisites Before you begin to use Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book, you should have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system. Make sure that you know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands, and also how to open, save, and close files.

You must purchase the Adobe Photoshop CS5 software separately. Photoshop and Bridge use the same installer. Follow the onscreen instructions. Make sure that your serial number is accessible before installing the application. Each lesson has its own folder; you must copy the folders to your hard disk to complete the lessons. In case you overwrite them, you 2 Browse the contents and locate the Lessons folder. Restoring default preferences he preferences files stores information about panel and command settings.

Each time you quit Adobe Photoshop, the positions of the panels and certain command settings are recorded in the respective preferences file. Any selections you make in the Preferences dialog box are also saved in the preferences file.

If you prefer to preserve your preferences, be aware that the tools, panels, and other set- tings in Photoshop CS5 may not match those described in this book. If you have custom-calibrated your monitor, save the calibration settings before you start work on this book. To save your monitor-calibration settings, follow the simple procedure described below. To save your current color settings: 1 Start Adobe Photoshop.

You do not need to perform steps 4—6 of this procedure. To restore your color settings: 1 Start Adobe Photoshop. Only the commands and options used in the lessons are explained in this book. For comprehensive information about program features and tutorials, refer to these resources: Adobe Community Help: Community Help brings together active Adobe product users, Adobe product team members, authors, and experts to give you the most useful, relevant, and up-to-date information about Adobe products.

Search results will show you not only content from Adobe, but also from the community. However, you can also download Adobe Help and language reference content for use offline. You can download the application from www. You can contribute in several ways: add comments to content or forums, including links to web content; publish your own content using Community Publishing; or contrib- ute Cookbook Recipes.

Find out how to contribute: www. Adobe Design Center: www. Adobe Developer Connection: www. Resources for educators: www. Adobe Photoshop CS5 product home page: www. Adobe certification he Adobe training and certification programs are designed to help Adobe custom- ers improve and promote their product-proficiency skills.

You can use Adobe certification as a catalyst for getting a raise, finding a job, or promoting your expertise. If you are an ACE-level instructor, the Adobe Certified Instructor program takes your skills to the next level and gives you access to a wide range of Adobe resources.

For information on the Adobe Certified programs, visit www. Adobe BrowserLab is for web designers and developers who need to preview and test their web pages on multiple browsers and operating systems. Adobe CS Review is for creative professionals who want a new level of efficiency in the creative review process. Unlike collaborating via email and attend- ing time-consuming in-person meetings, Acrobat. Adobe Story is for creative professionals, producers, and writers working on or with scripts.

SiteCatalyst NetAverages is for web and mobile professionals who want to optimize their projects for wider audiences. NetAverages provides intelligence on how users are accessing the web, which helps reduce guesswork early in the creative process.

You can access aggregate user data such as browser type, operating system, mobile device profile, screen resolution, and more, which can be shown over time. The data is derived from visitor activity to participating Omniture SiteCatalyst customer sites. Unlike other web intelligence solutions, NetAverages innovatively displays data using Flash, creating an engaging experience that is robust yet easy to follow.

Note that this option does not give you access to the services from within your products. See www. To make the best use of the extensive editing capabilities in Photoshop, you must first learn to navigate the work area. You can also add commands and filters to the menus by installing third-party software known as plug-ins. Photoshop works with bitmapped, digitized images that is, continuous-tone images that have been converted into a series of small squares, or picture elements, called pixels.

You can also work with vector graphics, which are drawings made of smooth lines that retain their crispness when scaled. Photoshop Settings file.

Application bar B B. Menu bar C C. Options bar D. Tools panel E. Adobe Bridge button F. Mini Bridge button G. Workspaces menu H. Otherwise, the arrangement is the same, but operating system styles may vary. When you have documents open, one or more image windows also appear, and you can display them at the same time using the tabbed interface.

Additionally, you can enable and disable the Application bar. On Mac OS, the application frame keeps the image, panels, and Application bar together. In this file, an image of a vintage car has been enhanced without overexposing the headlight. Do not close Photoshop. In the previous exercise, you used the Open command to open a file. In Bridge. Adobe Bridge opens, displaying a collection of panels, menus, and buttons.

Adding files, folders, application icons, and other assets that you use often to the Favorites panel lets you access them quickly. Using the tools Photoshop provides an integrated set of tools for producing sophisticated graphics for print, web, and mobile viewing. We could easily fill the entire book with details on the wealth of Photoshop tools and tool configurations. Every lesson will introduce you to more tools and ways to use them. In Photoshop Extended, it also includes the end of this lesson.

For example, when the Zoom tool in the status bar. Or, you can type a new and then click anywhere in the image. Drag the Zoom tool to the if OpenGL is enabled left to zoom out.

When Scrubby Zoom is selected in the options bar, you can in the Photoshop drag the Zoom tool across the image to zoom in and out. Preferences panel. You have now used four methods with the Zoom tool to change the magnification in the image window: clicking, holding down a keyboard modifier while clicking, dragging to zoom in and out, and dragging to define a magnification area.

Many of the other tools in the Tools panel can be used with keyboard combinations and options, as well. Selecting and using a hidden tool Photoshop has many tools you can use to edit image files, but you will probably work with only a few of them at a time. A small triangle in the lower-right corner of a button is your clue that other tools are available but hidden under that tool.

Select that tool. An animated dashed line indicates that the area inside it is selected. When you select an area, it becomes the only editable area of the image. When you drag the selection, only the selection border moves, not pixels in the image. You usually activate these modes by holding down specific keys as you move the tool with the mouse.

Some tools have modes that you choose in the options bar. If, however, options bar. Selected editable area area the headlight cannot be changed while the selec- the future, you can just B. Unselected protected press that keyboard tion is active. As you drag, highlights are brightened in the selected area of the image. Lessons 2, 6, and 10, in particular, address techniques like those used in classic darkroom work, such as adjusting for exposure, retouching, and correcting colors.

Zooming and scrolling with the Navigator panel The Navigator panel is another speedy way to make large changes in the zoom level, especially when the exact percentage of magnification is unimportant. The slider under the image thumbnail in the Navigator panel enlarges the image when you drag to the right toward the large mountain icon and reduces it when you drag to the left.

The red rectangular outline represents the area of the image that appears in the image window. When you zoom in far enough that the image window shows only part of the image, you can drag the red outline around the thumbnail area to see other areas of the image.

When you selected the Zoom tool in the previous project, you saw that the options bar contained options that change the view of the current image window. Previewing and opening another file he next project involves a promotional postcard for a community project. You can access many of the features of Adobe Bridge without leaving Photoshop. Double-click the Lesson01 folder in the Content area of the Mini Bridge panel. Photoshop, to display he buttons and menus in the options bar now relate to the Type tool.

We used finger slider to the right increases the value; Garamond, but you can use another font if you prefer. Alt-dragging Windows or Option-dragging Mac OS changes the values in smaller increments; Shift- dragging changes them You can specify 38 points by typing directly in the font-size text box and pressing in larger increments. Enter or Return, or by scrubbing the font-size menu label.

You can also choose a standard font size from the font-size pop-up menu. Typing V will add the letter to your text in the image window. Using panels and panel menus he text color in your image is the same as the Foreground Color swatch in the Tools panel, which is black by default. Select any other tool in the temporarily changes into an eyedropper. Tools panel to deselect the text so that you can see the color applied to it.

Set the tip of the eyedropper on the swatch you want, and click to select it. Now the text appears in the lighter violet color.

Resetting the default colors does not change the color of the text in the image, because that text is no longer selected. Nice job! For the real world, Photoshop gives you the power to step back and undo actions so that you can try other options. Photoshop features many kinds of layers, some of which contain images, text, or solid colors, and others that simply interact with layers below them.

Both files appear in the Preview panel. In the start file, the tie is solid; in the end file, it is patterned. Notice the listings in the Layers panel. A clipping mask works somewhat like a selection in that it restricts the area of the image that can be altered. With the clipping mask in place, you can paint a design over the tie without worrying about any stray brush strokes disturbing the rest of the image. In the list of brushes, select the Soft Round Pressure Size brush.

Illustration: Pamela Hobbs Oops! You could use the Step Backward command to undo additional steps one at a time. Several previous actions are undone. Now the History panel restores the earlier listing of dimmed actions. By default, the Photoshop History panel retains only the last 20 actions. Using a context menu Context menus are short menus that contain commands and options appropriate to specific elements in the work area. Usually, the commands on a context menu are also available in some other area of the user interface, but using the context menu can save time.

Context menus vary with their context, of course, so what appears can be a menu of commands or a panel-like set of options, which is what happens in this case. You may need to scroll up or down the list in the context menu to find the right brush. If the tie area is hidden behind the Brush tool context menu, click another area or double-click your selection in the context menu to close it.

When you finish making changes to your tie design, give yourself a pat on the back for finishing another project. More about panels and panel locations Photoshop panels are powerful and varied. Rarely would you need to see all panels simultaneously. You can open a closed panel or close an open one by selecting the panel name in the Window menu.

To reopen them, press Tab again. You can drag panels to or from the panel dock. You can arrange panels in other ways, as well: t To move an entire panel group, drag the title bar to another location in the work area. To expand a panel, click its icon or the double arrow. You can also pull the lower-right corner in or out. Double-click again to restore it to the the Color, Character, and Paragraph panels.

You can open the panel menu even when the panel is collapsed. Notice that the tabs for the panels in the panel group and the button for the panel menu remain visible after you collapse a panel. You can move the options bar to another location by dragging the grab bar at the far left end of the panel. In fact, following exercise. If prompted, click Yes to apply the workspace. Photoshop returns to the default workspace. You can choose workspaces from the Window menu or from the pop-up menu in the Application bar.

Say, for example, that you do lots of web design, but no digi- tal video work. You can specify which menu items to display in the workspace. You can hide commands that you use infrequently, or highlight commonly used commands to make them easier to see. Photoshop displays the View menu commands and subcommands. Photoshop removes them from the menu for this workspace. Choose Red from the pop-up menu to highlight this command in red.

RGB Color is now highlighted in red. In the New Workspace dialog box, give your workspace a name, select the Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts options, and then click Save. For now, return to the default workspace configuration. Once you know the basics, you can complete the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book lessons either in sequen- tial order or according to the subjects you find most interesting.

Finding resources for using Photoshop For complete and up-to-date information about using Photoshop panels, tools, and other application features, visit the Adobe website. You can narrow your search results to view only Adobe Help and support documents, as well. For additional resources, such as tips and techniques and the latest product infor- mation, check out the Adobe Community Help page at community.

You can easily obtain these Preferences in the updates through Adobe Application Manager, as long as you have an active Adobe Application Internet connection. Adobe Application Manager be notified of updates, automatically checks for updates available for your Adobe software. Click Done to accept the new settings. Horizontal selection using an adjust- areas.

Page 16 Checking for updates Page 17 Additional resources Page 18 Adobe certification Page 22 Touring the workspace Page 24 Switching and splitting views Page 25 Working with panels Page 27 Selecting a workspace layout Page 31 Adjusting toolbars Page 33 Creating custom keyboard shortcuts Page 34 Using the Property inspector Page 56 What is CSS?

Page 58 HTML vs. CSS formatting Page 59 CSS box model Page 61 HTML defaults Page 62 Formatting text Page 64 Formatting objects Page 67 Multiples, classes, and IDs, oh my! Page 74 Defining a Dreamweaver site Page 76 Using the Welcome screen Page 78 Selecting a CSS layout Page 79 Changing headings Page 80 Inserting text Page 81 Inserting images Page 83 Selecting and modifying CSS styles Page 86 Adjusting text fonts, colors, and sizes Page 90 Using the Property inspector Page 93 Previewing a page in Live view

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