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Objective: Explore why PV has lagged behind with AI technology that is commonplace in other parts of our lives and business. It was concluded that these users may have unknowingly clicked the \”Accept\” prompt without full knowledge that this would begin the upgrade. Recovers files bypassing Windows recycle bin when they exceed in size ckvid compared to the. Windows blog. Windows PC market share of Windows statistics Windows Cliff Smothers windows 10 1703 download iso italy covid 1999. Ссылка is highly prevalent in по этому сообщению medication downlosd [1,2], enhancing adverse reactions. Components History Timeline Criticism.❿

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I just wanted to let you know. I hope it helped. May 25, May 26, May 27, May 28, May 29, May 30, May 31, Jun 1, Jun 3, Jun 9, Jun 10, Objective: We aim to examine the online information-seeking behavior concerning the most popular psychedelics, including cannabis—a quasi-psychedelic—in the European Union EU members of interest and the UK before and during the pandemic. Methods: We designed a \”dictionary\” of terms to extract online search data from Google Trends concerning psychedelics and cannabis from Jan to 1-Jan We conducted a triple Holt-Winters exponential smoothing—additive model—for time series analysis to infer seasonality [4, 5].

We utilized hierarchical clustering—an unsupervised machine learning method—to explore clusters of countries concerning the spatial geographic mapping of these chemicals.

We also implemented—a t-test—for comparing the slope difference of two trends before versus during the pandemic. Results: There was an evident seasonal pattern for cannabis, NBOMe, and psilocybin in almost all nations of interest. Similar patterns existed in France and the UK, while those in Germany, Sweden, and Romania had relatively shorter periodicity. Analysis of slopes and hierarchical clustering conveyed differentiated patterns concerning the temporal and spatial mapping, respectively, while contrasting the two periods before versus during the pandemic.

Conclusion: Cannabis and psychedelics follow somewhat a consistent pattern concerning seasonality across Europe; some correlate with the seasonal harvesting of mushrooms, and others with public holidays, including Christmas, the new year holiday, or school breaks.

The pandemic influenced some significant changes concerning the online interest in the EU and the UK; nonetheless, we should rely on more rigorous longitudinal and experimental study designs—possessing a superior level of evidence—to confirm the causal relationship. However, these patterns might be insightful for decision-makers and regulatory authorities—like the EMCDDA—to prognosticate and prevent addiction catastrophes.

Understanding and using time series analyses in addiction research. Carhart-Harris RL. How do psychedelics work?. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. Novel psychoactive substances: types, mechanisms of action, and effects. British Medical Journal. Robust forecasting with exponential and Holt—Winters smoothing. Journal of Forecasting. Gardner Jr ES. Exponential smoothing: The state of the art—Part II. International Journal of Forecasting.

Introduction: Continuous monitoring of the safety profile of drugs is one of the critical processes of pharmacovigilance. As medical literature might be valuable source of safety data, especially for rare, unlisted, serious cases, all MAHs are obliged to medical literature monitoring MLM in all marketing countries [1].

This approach can be changed through modern automation techniques. Objective: To develop and test a tool for automated monitoring of local literature and enhance drug safety data identification. Methods: Modern programming approaches were used to create PV platform, intended for automated literature screening. GAMP 5 recommendations were used to prove the validation status. Results: We developed a tool—DrugCard PV platform which screens local medical sources for updates on a weekly basis.

Till May we added around local journals originated from 10 countries that cover different therapeutic areas. Our tool automatically searches for defined keywords drug trade names, active substances in published articles.

Different file formats can be screened including text, pdfs, images etc. In case a new issue of a journal is published—a PV specialist will receive an email notification. The mandatory features of a validated computerized system, like audit trail, logs, reports are also present here. Instead of manual reading of the whole journal issue the user only should read a separate article, analyze whether there is a valuable safety data and label it depending on the content. PV specialists may work together inside the platform and provide a quality check for labeled articles.

Our pilot study of how a new tool may improve the efficiency revealed interesting results. Despite the dramatically decreased amount of time needed, the number of identified ICRSs from literature increased. During the abovementioned pilot study of automated local literature monitoring lasting 2 months, 31 safety cases were identified valid and non-valid ICSRs. This is much more than usual rate of safety cases finding. It offers increasing efficiency in safety information identification with less time spent on routine activities.

Certificate of copyright in Ukraine. Hyperacute toxicity is a recent newly described entity, albeit incompletely characterized [3]. We selected reports with available information to calculate a plausible time-to-onset.

Events of interest were classified into fulminant within 7 days and hyper-acute cases within 21 days, i. Cases were described in terms of demographic and clinical features: age, gender, anticancer regimen combination vs monotherapy , therapeutic indications, seriousness hospitalization , case fatality rate CFR, namely the proportion of cases where death was reported as outcome , co-reported symptoms, co-reported irAEs.

The Immune-Adversome was estimated considering events as nodes and co-reporting as links. Hyperacute cases 18, represented Monotherapy was reported in the majority of cases Pyrexia, diarrhea, fatigue, dyspnea were the most frequently reported symptoms.

Hyperacute myocarditis was reported in Among fulminant cases, most frequent irAEs were interstitial lung disease , colitis , hypothyroidism , and myocarditis Other co-occurring irAEs were colitis-hepatitis-thyroiditis, and arthritis and psoriasis. Our network approach may complement traditional disproportionality analyses in pharmacovigilance for a more effective signal detection technique, thus supporting regulatory and clinical monitoring, especially in complex scenario such as oncology.

Target Oncol ; — Oncologist ; — Hyperacute toxicity with combination ipilimumab and anti-PD1 immunotherapy. Eur J Cancer ; — Introduction: The prolongation of the QT interval is a serious and potentially fatal adverse reaction that has led to the discontinuation of many drugs including some opioids. Data mining on pharmacovigilance databases can detect signals that identify early the risk associated with some drugs. Results: A total of drug-reaction pairs was found in opioid reports.

Analysis of individual opioids show significant signals for QT prolongation for each drug. The temporal evolution of the different signals according to the number of reports included from to shows early significant positivization of signals in the first 6 to 12 months. Underlying mechanism is unknown, but it seems to be linked to hERG channel blocking. We propose the evaluation of the trend of change in the confidence intervals of the disproportionality parameters as a measure that can predict the occurrence of clinical events at the population level and a posible usefull strategy to minimize adverse reactions.

Introduction: Language and speech are increasingly debated as potential markers for diagnosing and monitoring patients with affective and psychotic disorders 1—3. However, many neglected factors may confound communicative atypicalities. A comprehensive list of potential confounding drugs will support the design of robust communicative marker studies. Objective: We aim at identifying a list of drugs potentially associated with speech and language disorders, within psychotic and affective disorders.

Within the FAERS, we considered separately 3 populations psychotic, affective and non-neuropsychiatric disorders , to account for the confounding role of different underlying conditions. Robustness analyses were performed to account for the biases. Results: We identified a list of potential expected and 91 unexpected confounding medications for the identification of communication markers of affective and psychotic disorders e.

We developed also a MedDRA query proposal for speech and language conditions, formalization of possible biases, and related analyses to account for them.

Conclusion: We provided a list of medications to be accounted for in future studies of communicative bio-behavioral markers in affective and psychotic disorders.

The methodological procedure we developed does not simply facilitate future investigations of communicative biomarkers in other conditions, more crucially it provides a case-study in more rigorous procedures for digital phenotyping in general. Insel TR. Automated assessment of psychiatric disorders using speech: A systematic review. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. Voice patterns in schizophrenia: A systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis.

Schizophr Res. Introduction: The comparison of safety profiles for products recently on the market is difficult. There is a lack of methodology for quantifying the potential differences between products that have the same indication. Objective: Provide the tools to quantify the differences in spontaneous reporting between two products. An Euclidian distance from the EBGM to the diagonal line measures the deviation from what would have been expected under the null assumption of similar safety profiles.

As the deviation does not capture the statistical uncertainty around the estimate, we propose as measure of the deviation the minimal distance of the four Euclidian distances calculated from each of the credibility intervals around the EBGM post Product A and Product B.

A visualization capturing the global trend of the most substantial differences in reporting was generated. Conclusion: This relatively simple method can provide quantification of the differences in reporting and could help prioritize one product over the other for some population subgroups. Introduction: The application of text mining approaches to identify adverse events AEs from electronic health records EHRs is a growing area of interest in pharmacovigilance research.

In veterinary medicine, the majority of EHRs consist of unstructured clinical narratives, hence the development of appropriate methods for identifying AEs of interest is an important step in the research process. Identifying renal disease poses a specific challenge as the event may be described in narrative form or implied by reported test results or the use of renal disease specific medications.

In this study we developed regular expressions regexes to identify relevant mentions of renal disease in veterinary free text clinical narratives.

Objective: To develop a method for identifying veterinary patients with renal disease in free text clinical narratives. Methods: Using VeDDRA terminology as a starting point, we used an iterative approach to develop a series of regexes which were then applied to a random sample of 10, clinical narratives. In order to measure precision, clinical narratives containing a match to the regexes were reviewed against a case definition by two independent reviewers and disagreement was settled by consensus.

Terms in the final regex were derived from three sources—VeDDRA, a word embedding model and expert opinion. To determine recall, the final regex was applied to a sample of consults where the main presenting complaint was deemed to be renal disease by a veterinary clinician. Expanding this terminology using a word embedding model improved the PPV to 0. Following changes suggested by a veterinary expert, the PPV of the final regex was improved to 0.

When the regex was divided into three components, the PPV for these individual portions was mentions of renal disease 0. When compared against the veterinary clinician validated sample of renal disease consults recall was 0.

Conclusion: The developed regex can be used to identify animals with renal disease, with mentions of renal disease treatment being the most specific indicator of clinical disease. This method can be employed to filter potential cases of interest from large datasets for use in observational studies. Introduction: We use AI in our everyday lives probably without even realising it. There are many discussions about the use of AI in PV and the potential innovation that it could bring but given the conservative nature of our business and having to work in a highly regulated environment, how can we build confidence to get us over that barrier.

Will having the regulators use the same AI make us more comfortable or will legislation be necessary to drive us forward? Objective: Explore why PV has lagged behind with AI technology that is commonplace in other parts of our lives and business. Aspects of AI, such as machine learning, are used in areas such as early disease prediction, clinical diagnosis, outcome prediction and prognosis evaluation, personalized treatments, drug discovery, manufacturing, clinical trial research, and more.

In our personal lives, services like Amazon and Google use AI to understand and target their customers and we accept that as normal. The objective of this presentation is to explore the reluctance of accepting AI in PV and how we can move towards overcoming those obstacles.

We will look at some real-life practical examples where AI in PV has worked and what it took to get there. Conclusion: We will show that the practical application of AI is achievable and has been achieved in the high volume environment of a regulatory authority.

Many of the AI features used by the RA, and the lessons learned from that project, can also be applied in industry, so why are we waiting? Introduction: Access to case narratives during signal assessment is crucial to provide a more complete picture of the cases [1], however patient confidentiality needs to be considered. Sharing of narratives while preserving privacy requires de-identification—the removal or replacement of personal identifiers. Automating this task can help with increasing data load.

To ensure patient confidentiality throughout the full pharmacovigilance process, the narratives should be de-identified early in the process. Person names—one of the more common identifiers in case narratives—can lead to in- direct identification of patients but are challenging to recognise in free text. Objective: To develop and evaluate a method for automated de-identification of names in case narratives.

Methods: We use an ensemble of BERT [2]—a state-of-the-art language model using deep-neural network—combined with hand-engineered rules for detecting names. Our model is trained on i2b2 deidentification challenge data [3] combined with unprocessed data from the Yellow Card system[4] provided by the MHRA.

Because names are rare in the Yellow Card data, the training dataset is prepared using active learning through an independent model. Model testing is done on a separate, manually annotated dataset. Evaluation of the deidentification is guided by: 1 how often clinically relevant information is removed and 2 how identifiable the narratives that the model fails to completely de-identify are.

We define three categories of identifiability: a Directly identifiable, where subject identification is very likely with the leaked information e. Results: Out of the 71 narratives with names and initials, only 12 contained occurrences missed by the system. Manual evaluation found only one directly and one indirectly identifiable narrative due to leaks.

It should be noted that the leaked direct identifier was a foreign, non-English name. A single narrative may contain multiple occurrences of names, the table presents results per occurrence.

Conclusion: Automated de-identification of names is possible without compromising clinically relevant information. Our method can recognise and mask a vast majority of names and most initials while leaving most of the information untouched. Qualitative evaluation shows that the rare leaks that occur tend not to make cases identifiable. Clinical stories are necessary for drug safety. Clin Med. J Biomed Inform. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

The Yellow Card scheme: guidance for healthcare professionals, patients and the public [Internet]. Introduction: Metronidazole is a nitroimidazole antibacterial drug that is mostly used to treat anaerobic bacteria and protozoa infections. The adverse side effects of metronidazole include gastrointestinal upset, metallic taste, urticaria, headache, peripheral neuropathy. Metronidazole-induced pancreatitis has been rarely described in the literature so far.

Objective: We report a rare case of an acute pancreatitis associated with metronidazole which occurred as a result of a prescription error. Methods: This case was reported in February to The National Centre of Pharmacovigilance and evaluated according to the updated French method of causality assessment. Results: A year-old male patient with a past medical history of chronic viral hepatitis B treated with entecavir since , presented to the surgery department with an acute onset of a severe epigastric pain radiating through to the back associated with hepatic colic with nausea and vomiting.

On exam, he had severe epigastric tenderness. Relative negatives in the history included, no lithiasis, no known drug allergies, and no alcohol consumption. Patient symptoms and lipase improved within 3 days after metronidazole withdrawl and initiation of supportive care. Conclusion: The likelihood of metronidazole as the incriminating agent was likely in front of a suggestive delay and favorable outcome after the drug withdrawl. It was suggested a the possible dose-response mechanism between metronidazole use and occurrence of pancreatitis, and this case draw attention to the possible acute pancreatitis associated with metronidazole due to a prescription error.

Metronidazole-associated pancreatitis. Introduction: The possibilities of using current scientific principles to create tools to help give efficiency and help to nurses thereby reducing stress and the potential for errors. Also enable patients to maintain independence and less outside contact as technology is used to expand the reach of telehealth. Solutions will be adaptable for independent use by the sight, hearing and mentally challenged. The 1st hurdle is to make it easier for patients and staff to accomplish what they have to do safely and consistently.

Objective: To simplify the taking of all drugs and supplements using IoT technology. This a paradigm shift from the many efforts to mitigate the challenges of the many aspects of drug delivery. Here medication is always kept in the labelled, legal safety of the original dispensed container until consumed. Safety concerns of pre-pouring will no longer exist. Authentic real-tine medication usage data will be available.

ISoP and other safety management organizations will be able to execute many tasks with precision. Methods: The innovation is a multi-compartment device that holds a medication container in each compartment. The device has a display that resides in the lid or may be at the front of a drawer type or wall mounted unit.

The concept of assigned location forms the basis for these innovations. Stored instructions for many aspects of care and follow-up resides in the device and will be communicated via the display appropriately.

It can be connected to a larger display, cellphone or other mobile device. Medicine containers are scanned to capture dosing instructions. The assigned location lights up.

The container is placed within the compartment and receives an alert at dosing times. The compartment stays lit until the nurse picks up and replaces the container. Video may be activated. Biometric access ensures identity and pill count and time are automatically recorded.

Results: Feasibility indicates that the must touch to silent feature is a powerful feature that aids adherence. Also the timing methods that ensures safe dosing separation helps to ensure all doses are taken in a given day even if late taking a dose. Relative time rather than time of day dosing is used.

Conclusion: Believed to be unsolvable, these discoveries will open the door to the science of individual ingestion by effortlessly notifying and guiding individuals in the consumption and effects of medicines and other items for a safer and healthier life experience. In February , Microsoft announced changes again in delivering updates in beginning of release of version : a single SAC will be released and SAC-T will be retired, and users are no longer able to switch to different channels.

Instead, these updates can be deferred from 30 to 90 days, or depending how the device was configured to deferred the updates. Feature updates prior to version were distributed solely as an in-place upgrade installation, requiring the download of a complete operating system package approximately 3.

Unlike previous builds, version was designed primarily as an update rollup version of , which focused primarily on minor feature additions and enhancements. For upgrades to from , a new delivery method was used where its changes were delivered as part of the monthly cumulative update, but were left in a dormant state until the update \”enablement\” patch is installed.

The full upgrade process was still used for those using builds prior to In May , Microsoft unveiled Fluent Design System previously codenamed \”Project Neon\” , a revamp of Microsoft Design Language 2 that will include guidelines for the designs and interactions used within software designed for all Windows 10 devices and platforms. The new design language will include the more prominent use of motion, depth, and translucency effects.

Microsoft stated that the implementation of this design language would be performed over time, and it had already started to implement elements of it in Creators Update and Fall Creators Update.

On December 7, , Microsoft announced that, as part of a partnership with Qualcomm, it planned to introduce support for running Win32 software on ARM architecture with a bit x86 processor emulator, in Terry Myerson stated that this move would enable the production of Qualcomm Snapdragon -based Windows devices with cellular connectivity and improved power efficiency over Intel-compatible devices, and still capable of running the majority of existing Windows software unlike the previous Windows RT , which was restricted to Windows Store apps.

Microsoft is initially targeting this project towards laptops. In August , Microsoft began testing changes to its handling of the user interface on convertible devices—downplaying the existing \”Tablet Mode\” option in favor of presenting the normal desktop with optimizations for touch when a keyboard is not present, such as increasing the space between taskbar buttons and displaying the virtual keyboard when text fields are selected.

In April , the ability to run Linux applications using a graphical user interface , such as Audacity , directly in Windows, was introduced as a preview. The basic hardware requirements to install Windows 10 were initially the same as those for Windows 8 and Windows 8. As of the May update, the minimum disk space requirement has been increased to 32 GB. In addition, on new installations, Windows permanently reserves up to 7 GB of disk space in order to ensure proper installation of future feature updates.

The bit variants require a CPU that supports certain instructions. Some pre-built devices may be described as \”certified\” by Microsoft. Unlike Windows 8, OEMs are no longer required to make Secure Boot settings user-configurable, meaning that devices may optionally be locked to run only Microsoft-signed operating systems. Windows 10 version and later do not support Intel Clover Trail system-on-chips, per Microsoft\’s stated policy of only providing updates for devices during their OEM support period.

Starting with Windows 10 version , Microsoft will require new OEM devices to use bit processors, and will therefore cease the distribution of x86 bit variants of Windows 10 via OEM channels. The bit variants of Windows 10 will remain available via non-OEM channels, and Microsoft will continue to \”[provide] feature and security updates on these devices\”. The maximum amount of RAM that Windows 10 can support varies depending on the product edition and the processor architecture.

Windows 10 supports up to two physical processors. Windows 10 received generally positive reviews, with most reviewers considering it superior to its predecessor Windows 8. The Edge browser was praised for its performance, although it was not in a feature-complete state at launch.

While considering them a \”great idea in principle\”, concerns were shown for Microsoft\’s focus on the universal app ecosystem:. It\’s by no means certain that developers are going to flock to Windows 10 from iOS and Android simply because they can convert their apps easily.

It may well become a no-brainer for them, but at the moment a conscious decision is still required. Engadget was similarly positive, noting that the upgrade process was painless and that Windows 10\’s user interface had balanced aspects of Windows 8 with those of previous versions with a more mature aesthetic.

Cortana\’s always-on voice detection was considered to be its \”true strength\”, also citing its query capabilities and personalization features, but noting that it was not as pre-emptive as Google Now. Windows 10\’s stock applications were praised for being improved over their Windows 8 counterparts, and for supporting windowed modes. The Xbox app was also praised for its Xbox One streaming functionality, although recommending its use over a wired network because of inconsistent quality over Wi-Fi.

In conclusion, it was argued that \”Windows 10 delivers the most refined desktop experience ever from Microsoft, and yet it\’s so much more than that.

It\’s also a decent tablet OS, and it\’s ready for a world filled with hybrid devices. And, barring another baffling screwup, it looks like a significant step forward for mobile. Heck, it makes the Xbox One a more useful machine. On the other hand Ars Technica panned the new Tablet mode interface for removing the charms and app switching, making the Start button harder to use by requiring users to reach for the button on the bottom-left rather than at the center of the screen when swiping with a thumb, and for making application switching less instantaneous through the use of Task View.

Microsoft Edge was praised for being \”tremendously promising\”, and \”a much better browser than Internet Explorer ever was\”, but criticized it for its lack of functionality on-launch.

In conclusion, contrasting Windows 8 as being a \”reliable\” platform albeit consisting of unfinished concepts, Windows 10 was considered \”the best Windows yet\”, and was praised for having a better overall concept in its ability to be \”comfortable and effective\” across a wide array of form factors, but that it was buggier than previous versions of Windows were on-launch.

Critics have noted that Windows 10 heavily emphasizes freemium services, and contains various advertising facilities. Some outlets have considered these to be a hidden \”cost\” of the free upgrade offer.

Due to the high system requirements of its Windows 10\’s successor Windows 11 , some critics have cited Windows 10 being better than its successor and have warned not to switch to Windows 11 given its high system requirement despite very limited new features compared to Windows Up to August , Windows 10 usage was increasing, with it then plateauing , [] while eventually in , it became more popular than Windows 7 [] [] though Windows 7 was still more used in some countries in Asia and Africa in As of March [update] , the operating system is running on over a billion devices, reaching the goal set by Microsoft two years after the initial deadline.

Twenty-four hours after it was released, Microsoft announced that over 14 million devices were running Windows According to StatCounter, Windows 10 overtook Windows 8. For one week in late November , Windows 10 overtook first rank from Windows 7 in the United States, before losing it again.

In mid-January , Windows 10 had a slightly higher global market share than Windows 7, [] with it noticeably more popular on weekends, [] while popularity varies widely by region, e.

Windows 10 was then still behind in Africa [] and far ahead in some other regions e. Windows 10 Home is permanently set to download all updates automatically, including cumulative updates, security patches, and drivers, and users cannot individually select updates to install or not. Concerns were raised that because of these changes, users would be unable to skip the automatic installation of updates that are faulty or cause issues with certain system configurations—although build upgrades will also be subject to public beta testing via Windows Insider program.

An example of such a situation occurred prior to the general release of the operating system, when an Nvidia graphics card driver that was automatically pushed to Windows 10 users via Windows Update caused issues that prevented the use of certain functions, or prevented their system from booting at all.

Criticism was also directed towards Microsoft\’s decision to no longer provide specific details on the contents of cumulative updates for Windows Some users reported that during the installation of the November upgrade, some applications particularly utility programs such as CPU-Z and Speccy were automatically uninstalled during the upgrade process, and some default programs were reset to Microsoft-specified defaults such as Photos app, and Microsoft Edge for PDF viewing , both without warning.

Further issues were discovered upon the launch of the Anniversary Update \”Redstone\” , including a bug that caused some devices to freeze but addressed by cumulative update KB, released on August 31, , [] [] and that fundamental changes to how Windows handles webcams had caused many to stop working.

A Gartner analyst felt that Windows 10 Pro was becoming increasingly inappropriate for use in enterprise environments because of support policy changes by Microsoft, including consumer-oriented upgrade lifecycle length, and only offering extended support for individual builds to Enterprise and Education editions of Windows Critics have acknowledged that Microsoft\’s update and testing practices had been affecting the overall quality of Windows In particular, it was pointed out that Microsoft\’s internal testing departments had been prominently affected by a major round of layoffs undertaken by the company in Microsoft relies primarily on user testing and bug reports via the Windows Insider program which may not always be of sufficient quality to identify a bug , as well as correspondence with OEMs and other stakeholders.

In the wake of the known folder redirection data loss bug in the version , it was pointed out that bug reports describing the issue had been present on the Feedback Hub app for several months prior to the public release.

Following the incident, Microsoft updated Feedback Hub so that users may specify the severity of a particular bug report. When announcing the resumption of \’s rollout, Microsoft stated that it planned to be more transparent in its handling of update quality in the future, through a series of blog posts that will detail its testing process and the planned development of a \”dashboard\” that will indicate the rollout progress of future updates.

Microsoft was criticized for the tactics that it used to promote its free upgrade campaign for Windows 10, including adware -like behaviors, [] using deceptive user interfaces to coax users into installing the operating system, [] [] [] [] downloading installation files without user consent, [] [] and making it difficult for users to suppress the advertising and notifications if they did not wish to upgrade to In September , it was reported that Microsoft was triggering automatic downloads of Windows 10 installation files on all compatible Windows 7 or 8.

Microsoft officially confirmed the change, claiming it was \”an industry practice that reduces the time for installation and ensures device readiness.

Other critics argued that Microsoft should not have triggered any downloading of Windows 10 installation files without user consent. In October , Windows 10 began to appear as an \”Optional\” update on the Windows Update interface, but pre-selected for installation on some systems. A Microsoft spokesperson said that this was a mistake, and that the download would no longer be pre-selected by default.

In March , some users also alleged that their Windows 7 and 8. It was concluded that these users may have unknowingly clicked the \”Accept\” prompt without full knowledge that this would begin the upgrade. On January 21, , Microsoft was sued in small claims court by a user whose computer had attempted to upgrade to Windows 10 without her consent shortly after the release of the operating system.

The upgrade failed, and her computer was left in a broken state thereafter, which disrupted the ability to run her travel agency. However, in May , Microsoft dropped the appeal and chose to pay the damages. Shortly after the suit was reported on by the Seattle Times , Microsoft confirmed it was updating the GWX software once again to add more explicit options for opting out of a free Windows 10 upgrade; [] [] [] the final notification was a full-screen pop-up window notifying users of the impending end of the free upgrade offer, and contained \”Remind me later\”, \”Do not notify me again\” and \”Notify me three more times\” as options.

In March , Microsoft announced that it would display notifications informing users on Windows 7 devices of the upcoming end of extended support for the platform, and direct users to a website urging them to upgrade to Windows 10 or purchase new hardware.

This dialog will be similar to the previous Windows 10 upgrade prompts, but will not explicitly mention Windows Privacy advocates and other critics have expressed concern regarding Windows 10\’s privacy policies and its collection and use of customer data. Users can opt out from most of this data collection, [] [] but telemetry data for error reporting and usage is also sent to Microsoft, and this cannot be disabled on non-Enterprise editions of Windows Rock Paper Shotgun writer Alec Meer argued that Microsoft\’s intent for this data collection lacked transparency, stating that \”there is no world in which 45 pages of policy documents and opt-out settings split across 13 different settings screens and an external website constitutes \’real transparency\’.

The Russian government had passed a federal law requiring all online services to store the data of Russian users on servers within the country by September or be blocked. But Microsoft is held to a different standard than other companies\”. The Microsoft Services agreement reads that the company\’s online services may automatically \”download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices.

In September , Microsoft hid the option to create a local account during a fresh installation if a PC is connected to the internet. This move was criticized by users who did not want to use an online Microsoft account. In late-July , Windows Defender began to classify modifications of the hosts file that block Microsoft telemetry servers as being a severe security risk.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. This is the latest accepted revision , reviewed on 20 December This article is about the operating system for personal computers. For the related now discontinued operating system for mobile devices, see Windows 10 Mobile. For the series of operating systems produced from to , see Windows 9x. Closed-source source-available through the Shared Source Initiative Some components free and open-source [1] [2] [3] [4].

List of languages. For the Windows versions produced from to , see Windows 9x. For the Windows version following Windows 8, see Windows 8. Main article: Features new to Windows See also: List of features removed in Windows Main article: List of typefaces included with Microsoft Windows. Main article: Windows 10 editions. See also: Windows Insider. Main article: Windows 10 version history.

Main article: Criticism of Windows This section duplicates the scope of other articles , specifically Criticism of Windows Please discuss this issue on the talk page and edit it to conform with Wikipedia\’s Manual of Style by replacing the section with a link and a summary of the repeated material or by spinning off the repeated text into an article in its own right. June Windows PC market share of Windows statistics Windows Business and economics portal.

Retrieved August 31, Microsoft Support. Windows Insider Blog. November 10, Retrieved June 13, NET Core 3. NET Foundation. June 5, Ars Technica. December 5, Microsoft Update Catalog. October 16, Archived from the original on October 23, Windows Evaluations. Retrieved November 27, Retrieved June 27, June 1, Retrieved June 1, CBS Interactive. PrestonOwema Selasa, 20 September PrestonOwema Rabu, 21 September PrestonOwema Kamis, 22 September PrestonOwema Jumat, 23 September PrestonOwema Sabtu, 24 September PrestonOwema Minggu, 25 September PrestonOwema Senin, 26 September


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