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Because, gender equality is not a concept one may or may not believe in, a personal opinion, leaving room for other, possibly different or opposite views. It is not a choice that needs to be addressed, a theory, which one either embraces or disapproves.
Gender equality is an absoluteness, an inherent characteristic, interwoven with the duality of the humanness. The equation for me, F. On the contrary, if one disagrees with women having the same rights, power, opportunities and treatment as men, consequently they do not accept gender equality.
However, since the latter is, as discussed, an absoluteness, we are in front of a paradox! Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, gender equality is not a non-negotiable given. And in other parts of the world, the so-called developed countries, the gears of this big old machine called society, are oftentimes rusty remains of the past, stiff and slow.
It takes time and action for things to change. It is true, we are not fighting for ourselves. We are fighting for Sahra and Anya, who will be born in Somalia and India in the year , to be able to have access to education, to decide for themselves over their body, to get married when and if they wish and to whom they wish, to be able to make real choices. Trailwalker Power Hiking Paris. Project over. In today\’s world one out of three people suffer from poverty.
The annual Oxfam Trailwalke r is an international event that began in , where thousands of walkers around the world have taken part in the challenge of traversing kilometers in under 30 hours in order to help collect funds that help finance programmes in favour of a fairer world.
Like Oxfam, we also believe that the sum of the individual commitments is the key to accomplishing more and building a world fairer for all. We have a detailed training programme beginning in November until the event in May to ensure that as a team we will be able to complete this solidarity challenge.
Loic Brot. As long as they are stored properly, many condiments can last 6 months-1 year, which is typically much longer than the expiration date. Specific examples include butter, ketchup, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise and vinegar.
Dried fruits, one of our long shelf-life foods, take about years to expire. Want to keep them tasting optimal for longer? Pop them in the freezer. White vinegar, which is commonly used in pickling is super acidic. As a result, it\’s self-preserving, and its shelf life is \”almost indefinite,\” according to the Vinegar Institute.
Whether you prefer table salt or sea salt, you can confidently sprinkle it on your food no matter how long it\’s been hanging out in your spice cabinet. When stored in a cool, dry place, it remains fresh indefinitely.
The only exception to the rule is iodized salt, which only lasts for about 5 years. You might avoid recipes that include ingredients you don\’t use regularly. But if that ingredient happens to be cornstarch, you might as well just buy it. When stored in a cool and dry area, the thickener is safe to eat indefinitely. Expiration dates are simply a measure of the last day a manufacturer will vouch for a food\’s quality, not a measure of its safety.
Now that you\’re informed, you can stop throwing away foods to help you cut down on waste and save money. Always use your senses and best judgement when determining if a food is good to eat, they will tell you more than the \”Use-By\” date on the package. Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil Extra-virgin or virgin coconut oil is high in saturated fat, so it can last an indefinite amount of time.
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Meaning reach for your older box of pasta or rice before digging into the new ones. Many thoughts, discussions, insightful texts, inspirational quotes, posts in SoMe. However, oftentimes the notion of feminism is associated with the belief that the female human is equal to the male human. Project Team Donations Blog Comments. You May Also Like. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support! Like Oxfam, we also believe that the sum of the individual commitments is the key to accomplishing more and building a world fairer for all.