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Metropolitan Museum Cleveland Museum of Art. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Books to Borrow Open Library. Search the Wayback Machine Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. Sign up for free Log in. Chiara : San Domenico : S. Angelo a Nilo : Biblio- teca-Brancacciana : S. Giovanni Pappacoda : S.

Severino : S. Giovanni Evangelista : S. Paolo : S. Maria delle Grazie : S. Maria Donna Regina : S. Maria del Soccorso : I. Vicenzo : Isernia : Venafro : Aquila : S. Angelo : Priory of S. Leonardo : S. Maria di Siponto : Manfredonia : S. Ashby Noce Valley. William Bras-de-Fbr, son of Tancred de Hauteville Drogo Humphrey Robert Guiscard, becomes Dnke of Apulia and Calabria, Roger, Count of Sicily, Duke of Apxilia iioi.

Roger II. William the Bad, I. William the Good, II. Tancred, Count of Lecce : grandson of King Roger William III. Constance, dau. Frederick II. Conrad Manfred, nat. Charles I. Loses Sicily, Charles II. II Zoppo Robert the Wise Jodin I. Andrew, son of Carobert, K. Ladislaus Joan II. Alfonso I. Ferrante I. Alfonso II. Ferrante II. Frederick, brother of Alfonso II. Louis XII. He was already King of Sicily Joan III.

Philip III. Philip IV. By Viceroys Philip V. Charles VI. Emperor of Austria. Sicily captured 17 13 by Philip V. Sicily was given to Duke Amadeo of Savoy. Charles III. General Championnet entered Naples Jan. But Cardinal Rufio re-estab- lished the King Massena proclaims Joseph Bonaparte King of Naples i8c8. Restored to Ferdinand IV. Francis I. Ferdinand II. Francis II. Umberto I. Roberto Oderisio i3S4. Maria dell\’ Incoronata Silvestro de\’ Buoni, probably from Lombardy Amato ?

Polidoro Caldara da Caravaggio, known to have come to Naples in Andrea Sabbatini da Salerno. See Museum 1 Fabrizio Santafede. Maria Nuova Cavaliere D\’Arpino Giuseppe Cesari Belisario Corenzio 1 Amerighi da Caravaggio Martino and, Museum ? Pompeo d\’Aquila Aniello Falcone 1 61 5- 5. Salvator Rosa Mattia Prete II Calabrese Luca Giordano Fa Presto Massimo Stanzioni Paolo Whence it is seen that Naples has produced one or two second- rate artists only, and has had to rely on Tuscan and Spanish masters.

The important tombs and effigies of the Angevin Period are by Tuscan masters chiefly ; the later ones also. Chiara , d. King Robert\’s tomb and relievi in Sta. Maria Donna Re- gina. RosselUno Antonio d. Domenico Giovanni Merliano da Nola, Domenico Girolamo da Santacroce. Angelo Xaccarino fl. Carlo all\’ Arena, S. Restituta, Museum. Enghsh travellers nearly always play at follow the leader, and there are probably not two hundred hving who have ever closely explored the scenery of the Abruzzi, the characteristic cathedrals of Apuha, or the historic sites of Magna Graecia.

Except the admirable Unter- Italien of Gsell -fells. Perkins, and in the Storia dell\’ Arte of A. Venturi, little of other than scientific or archaeological importance has been written about these places. It has not been considered worth while; and even the beautiful illustrations in Lear\’s Journal of a Landscape Painter and the cult of Garibaldi have failed to attract a stream of travellers as far south as Calabria.

The vastness and sometimes ugUness of the districts to be traversed, the bareness and filth of the inns, the roughness of the natives, the torment of zanzare, the terror of earthquakes, the inseciirity of the roads, and the far more serious risk of malaria or of typhoid from the bad water, are natural causes which have hitherto kept strangers away from the south.

But every year these risks are being lessened, and som. Owing to rail and motor, everj\’ year the splendid land between Rome and Naples is becoming far better known. All the places near the Eternal City have been aheady fuUy described in Days near Rome, and the Italy of artists is to be found more amongst these moimtain districts than in any other part of the peninsula.

The way in which the national character alters, as Naples is approached, may seem incredible to those who have not lived in Italy. Within fifty miles of Rome, where the people have not been demoralised by travellers and their luxuries as at AlbanoJ, cases of extortion or incivility are almost unknown, and the peasants are honest, fairly contented, and industrious.

Some of the truest of gentlemen in Italy are the Campanian shepherds. But after crossing the Pontine marshes or passing the Garighano into the former kingdom of Naples, the characteristics of the people are utterly changed, and all friendly confidence on the part of strangers except, perhaps, in the islands of Capri and Ischia would be misplaced.

The degree to which a Neapolitan of the lower orders can cheat is only equalled by the degree to which he is in the habit of lying ; while the ignorance of the people, and the extravagance of their superstitions, is such as can only be realised by long familiarity. The misgovernment of the Spanish viceroys and afterwards of the Bourbon princes accounts for much. There is possibly regret in Tuscany for the Grand Dukes : there are still some living who would restore the sovereignty of the Popes ; but, with the exception of a few members of the rather extensive nobility, there is no Italian who would wish to bring back the Bourbons to Naples.

Since , the old Neapolitan States have derived great advantage from the opening out of the country by railways, and in being freed from the thraldom of an ignorant and self-interested priesthood. But grinding misery and povertj\’ are caused by the severe taxation, which absorbs nearly half the income of real property, while the corruption of the police and misprision of justice are still deplorable.

In 1, the Italian Minister of the Interior, Signor De Pretis, was com- pelled to issue a circular to all the prefects of the kingdom, calling their attention to the extraordinary number of arrests made by the police and not followed by a conviction, proving thereby that, on the average, innocent persons were daily imprisoned through caprice, abuse, or paltry pretext.

The effectual men depart ; the agriculture devolves upon the women : education is neglected ; and consequently juvenile crime flourishes on an extraordinary scale. The spirit of fun which possesses Neapolitans is irresistible. To enjoy while you can is the apparent ciim of every hour of Ufe — to laugh at Pulcinella and Bailardo, to dance the tarantella, to listen to improvisatore.

Prolonged gravity to them is impossible. They will be convulsed with laughter while they tell you they are starving, and the slightest joke will drive them from the excess of grief or anger into peals of merriment. Swin- burne narrates how some malefactors, left all night upon a gibbet, were characteristically found the next morning with hats and long periwigs on their heads, and pipes of tobacco in their mouths : and how, on the feast of a patron of a church, a paste- board PoUchinello was exhibited on the front of the edifice administering a clyster to Scaramouche Scaramuccia , and at a given signal the instrument took fire, and both apothecary and patient blew up in a volley of crackers.

Sa grossieret6 meme frappe I\’imagination. La rive africaine qui borde la mer de 1 \’autre cote se fait presque deja seatir, et il y a je ne sais quoi de Numidie dans les cris sauvages qu\’on entend de toates parts. Oes visages bninis, ces vetements formes de quelques morcaux d\’etoSe rouge ou violette, dont la couleur foncee attire les regards ; ces la. Un certain gout pour la parure et les decorations se trouve souvent k Naples, a cote du manque absolu des cfaoses necessaires ou commodes.

Les boutiques sont omees agreablement avec des fieurs et des fruits. Les tailleurs y font des habits, les traiteurs leurs repas ; et les occupations de la maison, se passant ainsi au dehors, multiplient le mouvement de mille m«uiieres.

For this the priest was chiefly responsible. Yet it must in justice be noticed that Naples has improved in this very matter more rapidly of late than has any other town in all Italy. The NeapoU- tans have outshone the Romans altogether in humanity, and they deserve exceptional praise for it. In this, an ambo, or two prize numbers, gives the fortunate speculator twenty times his money ; a terno, or three prize numbers, a hundred times his investment ; while a cinquina, or all the five prize numbers, is considered to make his fortune.

The lottery, and which numbers seem likely to turn out lucky, is the most serious occupation of the NeapoUtan intellect.

Si I\’argent s\’introduisait chez les sauvages, les sauvages le demanderaient comme cela. The conversation of Neapolitans is more than half made up of gestures ; it is amusing, and it saves trouble. An outward wave of the hand, Adieu ; an inward, Come ; a downward, Stop. The thumb pointed backwards, Look ; to the lips, with a slight toss of the head, drinking ; passed across the forehead as though wiping away the perspiration, fatigue.

The index finger drawn across the mouth, anger ; across the clenched teeth, defiance ; rapping the closed fingers against the lips, eating ; passing the extended index and thumb in front of the mouth, hunger ; twisting the end of the moustache, isn\’t it good to eat?

The exuberance of Neapolitan gesture comes to its climax in the popular dance of the tarantella. It is the old theme — \’ the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love. Petting, wooing, billing, cooing. Jealous accusation, sharp recrimination ; manly expostulation, shrewish aggravation ; angry threat, summary dismissal. Fuming on one side, pouting on the other. Reaction, approxi- mation, explanation, exoneration, reconciliation, osculation, winding up with a grand pas de circonstance, expressive of confidence re-established and joy unbounded.

The sights of Naples may be easily visited from Pozzuoli or Castellamare. Besides those at these places, tolerable inns may be found at S. A summer may be spent delightfully at Ischia, Capri, or Sorrento, and no one has a real knowledge of what Italy can be who has not enjoyed the open-air life of these lovely places — the flowers, the fire-flies, the bathing, and, above all, the nights, of which Chateaubriand said, \” Ce ne sont pas des t6nebres, mais seulement I\’absence du jour.

Thencefonvards, the trains crawl Sicily-ward, through the ugly but sometimes very grand country, and loiter, without the shghtest apparent object, at small wayside stations, to which the ragged, cursing, begging population is freely admitted. Luggage is often robbed in the transit, and the traveller will obtain no assistance in discovering his plunderer.

Porters are rare, and, where they exist, are violent, and greedy. The dihgences are indescribably wretched, and sway like a boat in a rough sea over the half-formed roads.

Carriages are difficult to procure, and bullock-carts are the usual means of transit. The inns are miserable, and sometimes are swarming with insects ; the beds are damp : the food is scanty, and except at Bari, Reggio and Cosenza, sanitary arrangements are unknown.

No words descriptive of wretchedness can portray the utter degradation of the peasantry in these southern provinces, or the way in which large famihes are huddled together, with their pigs and fowls, eternally unwashed, and covered with vermin, to which in time they become impervious, Uke the beasts them- selves, iluch of this misery is due to the immense size of the great farms latifundia , which are worked in gangs under an overseer, and to the absenteeism of the landlords, for the villeg- giatura of the noble Neapohtan famihes is hke the vie de Catn- pagne under Louis XV.

Their vast domains are managed by fattori or rented by mercanti di campagna, the sole intermediaries between the proprietors and the peasantry, of whom they used to be as much the cruel oppressors as were the slave-owners in South America. The artist who travels in Calabria should be provided with letters of introduction from Naples to the agents for some of the great houses.

There is comparatively little danger from brigands anywhere in Italy now, but there is a general transmitted feeling of insecurity in the south, and it is still the custom in Calabria for lonely country houses to be prepared for a state of siege, while no Italian gentleman ventures to go out unarmed and unattended, and, on returning to his country villa, is always met at the railway station by armed servants, with horses which fail not to have pistols on their holsters.

Witness the exaggerated sentiment of hero-worship evinced in the trial of Musolino in A pedestrian foreigner is still apt to feel, especially in Calabria, as if every man\’s hand was against him, and, if he travels in desolate places, entertains though needlessly still as much dread of a stealthy pistol or stiletto, as of the fury of the sheep-dogs, from whom the fate of Actaeon seems constantly impending.

It does not do to run from these latter : the sight of a man picking up a stone is usually sufficient to keep them at bay. It is illustrative of the way in which the southern or agricul- tural provinces have always lagged behind the rest of Italy, that, even in Naples itself, the use of glass only became common in , about the same time that the popular Father Rocco first succeeded in getting the streets lighted after a certain fashion, by turning the devotion of the people to account, and persuading them to keep innumerable lamps before images of the saints in the public thoroughfares.

In Southern Italy all other religion is lost in the worship of the Madonna, but if the Calabrese do not get what they want, they will punish their Madonna by shutting her up in her shrine as if she were in prison ; they will deprive her of their accustomed offerings ; and tliey will expostulate with her as with a living person, or as Caligula did with Jupiter Capitohnus.

As \” divina mater,\” the Madonna occupies the place once filled by Cybele, yet \” Madonnaccia fritta \” is only one of many undescribable terms of contempt and fury which it is common to hurl at a Madonna who is supposed to have misbehaved herself.

The popular saints — Antonio, Nicola, Agata, or Rosaha — are also alternately extolled or reviled, adored or cursed, by the faithful, as if they belonged to the domestic circle, and in proportion as they are supposed to exert themselves for the benefit of their admirers. These familiarities are seen at their full height on the festival of S. Gennaro, when the people fill the cathedral of Naples with groans at their favourite saint, and call him every abominable name they can think of if his blood delays to liquefy, but implore his forgiveness with tears, and shower the most endearing appellations upon him when the annual \” miracle \” is at length accomphshed.

In the lower orders, people usually keep a regular account with heaven, by way of calculating how long their residence in purgatory is likely to be. Very primitive are the habits of domestic life in the South, where almost everything is conducted in public or in the open air. She is nowise dismayed at the sohtude around her, or the distance from home, but, as in some of the Caucasian tribes, deUvers herself of her infant, which she folds up in her apron, and, after a little rest, carries back to her cottage.

It is a proverb much in use, \” Che una serva Calabrese piu ama far un figho che un bucato \” ; i. WTien a Neapolitan woman sneezes, all the bystanders wish her \” figlii maschi \” — sons. But if the wife of a small peasant proprietor gives birth to a daughter, it is the custom to plant at once a row of poplar- trees, which will be ready to cut down and produce her dowry seventeen years after.

It is funny to see NeapoUtan children cry ; they always go to the wall for it — to their \” waihng-place \” — perhaps, a relic of Saracenic rule. The old customs and even the old proverbs have been dying out rapidly in Naples, together with the old religion, and the old streets, since the change of government ; but the classical student will be interested to find how many customs and superstitions, which are mentioned by the Latin authors, still continue to survive. The few Church festas permitted are not what they used to be, and chiefly consist in days spent in idleness and firing of miniature cannon.

But Neapohtans, who love eating more than any other people, never forget that each festival has its appropriate dainty. As carpe diem is always the fashion, they will sell even their clothes ajid beds to buy the orthodox feast at Christmas, and they make susanielli and striiffoli of flour, oil, and honey, such as the Romans offered to Janus, and eat \” the cake of S. Martino,\” because to that saint they pray for abundance.

During the Carnival from came vale — farewell to flesh , all the extravagances of the national character are seen in fullest excess, throwing into greater solemnity Holy Week, when there is a general impression that no one ought to enjoy themselves at all, especially on Good Friday. Under the Bour- bons, no horse or carriage whatever was allowed in the streets of Naples from 12 on Holy Thursday to 10 a.

But, in the Neapolitan States, a certain solemnity used actually to pervade every Friday — \” Allegrezza di venerdi, pianto di domenica,\” was a well-known proverb. At Easter, all servants give colnri — painted eggs — to their masters. At La Majuna May i doors and windows are decorated with green boughs, arboscelli di maggio, or garlands, banderuole, of flowers.

Luca October 18 it is an absolute necessity to eat coccia — wheat boiled with chestnuts and milk. The popular dishes themselves are still often those of classical times. The small figs introduced by L. Vitellius, uncle of the emperor, are still dried in the old fashion, and called cottate. Of South Italian superstitions the most prominent is that of the Jettatura, or Evil Eye, which has been handed down from classical times. Thus Virgil says : \” Nescio quis teneros oculus mihi fascinat agnos \” ; Eclog.

Children wear bits of rock-salt round their necks, and women a httle silver frog, with the same intention. Some burn incense mixed with the palms blessed at Easter ; the use of the palm in averting danger being mentioned by Pliny. But the most popular antidote is a little coral hand with one finger stretched out — the hand of S. Gennaro — with which the shops of Naples abound. These charms are especially in request whenever Vesuvius is in a state of eruption. If the case is alarming, half the population may be seen kneeling in the streets ; processions of clergy and monks carry the Blessed Sacrament, or even the relics of S.

Gennaro himself, to the scene of danger ; the air resounds with litanies ; never was there a people in such an agonised state of repentance for their sins, but immediately the danger is over, all are laughing, singing, dancing, quarrelling, gambling, cursing, fighting, as before, or, further, are rushing to the lotteries in order to secure lucky numbers. Gennaro and oppose its miraculous influence to the threats of the blazing volcano ; this would undoubtedly have ended in a very serious sedition if Father Rocco had not slept forth, and, after reproaching them bitterly with the affront they were about to put upon the saint by attending his relics with torches taken from mercenary hands, ordered them all to go home and provide themselves with wax tapers ; the crowd dispersed, and proper measures were taken to prevent its gathering again.

The treatment of the dead shows the character of this idolatrous and self-seeking people in its saddest aspect. When the funeral of a friend passes, a Neapolitan will exclaim with characteristic selfishness, \”Salute a noi \” — \”Health to ourselves\” — without thought of the departed.

Most of the middle classes belong, as in ancient times, to a congregazione or buricd-club. Amongst the poor, when any member of a family has expired, it is the custom for the oldest person present to recapitulate the virtues of the dead. Then, if there is a widow, she repeats the words. All the duties of the family, however, end at the house, and heccamorti , or hired mourners, carry the corpse to the \” pauper pits \” of the Campo Santo Vecchio, to be hurled into the common \” grave of the day \” : sometimes it is accom- panied by a number of old women, paid to howl as mourners — the praeficae of the ancients.

At the burial of an Archbishop of Naples four hundred friars attended with wax lights, but some thieves let loose a mad ox among them and in the confusion ran away with the candles. Fields are still covered with cerintha and lupin — the \”tristis lupinus \” — and the peasants stiU, in cloudy weather, tell the hour by the position of this flower, which, like the sunflower, turns, as PUny describes, with the sun.

The wood of the plough is still elm — \” Et corvi fonnam accepit nlmos aratri \” ; Georg. L The artist will find few subjects attractive to his pencil, which are not architectural, after leaving Amalfi and Paestum ; but RocceUa, Scilla, and the forests of Pietra Pennata are exceptions. To the historian and antiquarian a tour through the Southern Provinces must always be of extreme interest.

A journey undertaken with a camera for the sole purpose of tracing the gradual victory of Benedictine Lombardic over Byzantine art in Apulia, would bring rich reward. Whether considered in dimensions, outline, or constructive peculiarities, their churches will not bear a moment\’s comparison with those of the north ; but in elegance of detail they often surpass purely Gothic build- ing to such a degree as to become to some extent as worthy of study as their more ambitious rivals.

Their great interest in the eyes of the student consists in their forming a link between the Eastern and Western worlds, and thus joining together two styles which we have hitherto been in the habit of considering as having no point of contact. The Greek iconoclastic feeling prevailed to such an extent in the south as entirely to prevent the introduction of the human form, either in bas-reliefs or in single figures ; but the architects indemnified themselves for this by the introduction of lions, elephants, and monsters of all sorts, to an extent foimd nowhere else, and by the lavish employment of sculptured foliage and richly carved frets and mouldings and a bold system of bracketing, which gave to the style as much richness as can be desired, often combined into great beauty of detail.

Angelo ; of noble castles at Avezzano, Naples, Melfi, Lucera, Lago Pesole, Castel del Monte, and Oria ; of countless exquisitely beautiful tombs, pulpits, thrones, paschal candelabra, and other works of sculpture at Aquila, Salerno, Ravello, and in the churches of Naples.

Besides these, the great palace of Caserta will claim attention from the architect, being almost the only modern building of importance in Southern Italy, though, while the Bourbon sovereigns took little trouble for the advancement of their kingdom, their care for their own comfort is evinced by the number of palaces built by them. No kingdom of the size had so many royal residences. Sommer, of Naples, and Signer R. Moscioni, of Rome, for permission to use certain of their photographs for the illustration of this work.

Frosinone Albergo Garibaldi , inhabitants. A beautifu place ft. It is two miles from the station on the Rome-Naples Une, and seven south of Feren tino. It looks over the vale of the Sacco and across to the Monti Lepini and the Hemican mountains. It belonged to the redoubtable Volsci, whom the Romans deprived here of a portion of their territory for inciting the Hemicans to rebel.

It became a miUtary colony, and suffered at the hands alternately of BeUsarius and Vitiges, but prospered in the Middle Ages until, in , the French sacked and burned it. A few relics of a Roman amphitheatre alone witness to its antiquity. Its interest Ues in its beauty of position, its fertihty, and the charming costume of its women. From here the road due north travels to Alatri see Days near Rome , and thence, via Collepardo, to the beautiful Certosa di Trisulti.

On the north side are to be seen remains of polygonal walls and the ancient acropolis. One tower of the mediaeval castle remains. From the highest point, called Civita, is obtained a superb panoramic view over the valleys of the Sacco and Cosa.

The breviary of S. Louis of Toulouse, brother of King Robert of Naples, is among the treasures shown by the sacristan. Saloma is the tomb of Francesca Leni, of Arpino, and there is a majolica -tiled pavement. Excursions to the Abbey of Casamari four hours ; Bauco two hours. About a mile from the village of CoUepardo by a path which turns left before enter- ing it is the strange hole called II Pozzo di Santulla, a pit in the rock recalling the Latomiae of Syracuse, about yards round and feet deep, hung with vast stalactites, and fringed at the top with weird ilex guide, 5 lire.

The Pozzo, says tradi- tion, was once a vast threshing-floor, on which the people im- piously threshed corn upon the fcsta of the Assumption, when the outraged Madonna caused it to sink into the earth, with all who were upon it, and it remains to this day a memorial of her wrath. Beyond Santulla the majestic character of the scenery increases.

The path winds round a chaos of great rocks, and descends into a deep gorge, whence it mounts again to the final isolated plateau of Trisulti, close under the snows, and overlooking a splendid ravine.

Here is a wood of old oaks carpeted with lilies, and beyond it Alpine pastures, sheeted in spring with mountain crocus and iris. Only the booming of a bell through these solemn mountain solitudes tells the traveller that he is near the monastery, until he is close upon it, and then a mass of white buildings, overtopped by a church, reveals itself on the edge of a great rocky platform.

The interior of the monastery is modernised, but its well-kept courts, garden, and curious fountains, have a beauty of their own, in the Carthusian fashion. Moreover, the magnificent bald ridges look down into them over the roofs. AU seems peaceful with these silent white brethren! The church, built in by Innccent HI. It is lined with precious marbles. In the sacristy is a good picture by the Cavalier e d\’Arpino, and on either side of the church are two large pictures by the modern artist Balbi of Alatri, one representing Moses striking the rock, the other the same miracle as performed by S.

Over the high altar is a fresco of the sending out the first Carthusian monks to colonise Trisulti. The terrace beyond the little garden, with its formal box-edges, leads to the spezerla, decorated by Balbi, where many herbal medicines, and excellent liqueurs and perfumes are made by the monks. The country people come hither from a great distance to receive gratuitous medicine and advice, and in all respects the monks are considered the best friends and helpers of the poor of the neighbouring villages in sickness or trouble.

May and June are good months for visiting it. A little path turning to the left outside the gateway of Trisulti gives the best view of the monastic buildings, and continues through the forest to the Gothic chapel and cell of S. Domenico Loricato, who first collected a number of hermits around him on this spot, and built a chapel which he dedicated to S.

Bartholo- mew. A stony path winds by zigzags into the abyss of the Cosa. Here the scenery is magnificent : the gorge is very narrow, only wide enough to contain the stream and the path by its side, and on the left rises a tremendous precipice, in the face of which yawns the cavern. It is best to take the precau- tion of ordering what is called an \”illumination\” on the way to Trisulti, and one costing five Ure is the best to ask for, as producing the degree of light which is enough to show, but not to annihilate, the effect of darkness.

Attended by a troop of boys, we descend into the earth by a wide path Uke a hillside, and then ascend by a narrower rocky way through the darkness, lighted by glaring torches. Suddenly we find ourselves on the edge of a chasm, something Uke the Pozzo di Santulla, with a kind of rock-altar rising in the midst, blazing with fire, and throwing a ghastly glare on the wondering faces overlooking the edge of the abyss, and on the sides of the tremendous columns of stalactite which rise from the ground to the roof Uke a vast natural cathedral, and seem to faU again in showers of petrified fountains.

Sir R. Hoare says that \” the large vaulted roof, spacious halls, fantastic columns and pyramids, imitating rustic, yet unequaUed, architecture, present a fairy palace which rivals the most gorgeous descriptions of romance. Casamari, almost washed by the Amaseno, which is crossed by a ferry iraghelto , now a Trappist abbey, was originally Bene- dictine, and in 1 1 5 1 Cistercian.

It more resembles a fortress than a convent, and is a national monument Uke Monte Cassino. The foundation-stone of its Gothic church was laid in The entramce through a round-arched central portal, carried on six lateral shafts, leads into nave and aisles of six bays, with side altars. The west front has a good rose-window between two lancets. At the fifth pair of piers a screen of wrought iron separates the monastic portions of the church from the lay.

The floor is decorated with tiles bearing the Barberini bees. The soft cream-Uke tone of the travertine, with which it is built, is remarkably fresh. The choir contains a \” tribuna \” made after the manner of a small temple in the Corinihian style, and of fine marble. The transepts have eastern chapels.

The Cloister, surrounded by Lombard arcades carried on coupled columns of varjing design, is entered from the proces- sional door of the south aisle, and the usual Cistercian arrange- ment of the domestic buildings ensues. The chapter-house, infirmary, and dormitories are shown by the courtesy of the Prior.

The site is supposed to be identifiable with Cereatae, which claims equally with Arpino to be the birthplace of Caius Marius. The long row of store-sheds before the piazza of the monastery serves for shops during the fair held here on the feast of S. From Casamari can be reached Monte S.

CinelU , inhabitants ; said to have originated in the refugees from Cereatae, and formerly a fief of the Marchese di Pescara. The Piazza, \” II Belvedere,\” on tliree sides commands magnificent prospects. To the north-west rises with two of its towers the Rocca Ducale. The chapel was formerly the prison, where S. Thomas Aquinas was confined by order of his mother and brothers in order to prevent his adopting the ecclesiastical career, and from it he escaped to Monte Cassino.

Maria della Valle is said to be constructed after a design by Bramante. It contains a good wooden statue of the Virgin sixteenth century. Monte Pedicino can be visited in four hours. Ceccano, ft. Locanda Anelli , inhabitants, on the side of a hill overlooking a deep glen and the valley of the Sacco.

The upper town was girdled with walls by Pope Silverius. The newer town below is much resorted to by visitors in the hot season. Woollen and paper factories are the chief sources of in- dustry. On the left of the Sacco, two miles south of Ceccano, is the site of Fabrateria Vetus, a Volscian city made into a Roman colonia. In ancient days the Sacco bore the name of Trerus. Amaseno, a fief of Colonna, with a castle, can be visited from here.

Ceprano buffet at the station , inhabitants, on the right bank of the Liris. The town is three kilometres from the line. Paschal II. Here, fifty years later, Manfred was betrayed by his troops cf. Dante, Inferno, Cto. Near it, on high ground, was situated the Oscan Fregellae, destroyed b.

It arose again under the name of Vic us Cipri. Fondi, on the Via Appia, may be reached from Terracina, or from Ceprano by a very beautiful mountain road descending near Lenola. It is a picturesque walled town in the province of Caserta, and but eleven miles from Terracina, overlooking the Lago di Fondi and the Gulf of Terracina. It was a municipium in B. The castle of the Caetani, with many towers, and flamboyant windows, adjoins the cathe- dral. The latter has a fine portal with the usual lions and a fifteenth-century tomb of Onorato Caetani, Lord of Fondi.

The episcopal throne is of the thirteenth century, and decorated with mosaic Cosmatesque. Prignano in , a fact especially annoying to the latter, who was a Neapolitan. Maxia contains a Cosmatesque pulpit and a Madonna by Silvestro dei Buoni, Her servants were mercilessly massacred, but she escaped in her night-dress from a window, and took refuge in the mountains.

The Turks again sacked Fondi in The famous Caecuban vine Horace, Ode i. Sperlonga is a fishing village, finely situated on a head- land, and a resort of the ancient Romans. Suetonius and Tacitus tell how Sejanus, the powerful, but iU-fated, Chancellor of Tiberius, saved his master\’s life, when, at a banquet given in one of the decorated caves here, large stones fell from the vault and buried some of the suite as well as Sejanus, who hurled his body and arms over Tiberius, so as to shelter him.

She is also well-skilled in the Drapery-part, and puts on Hoods and mixes Ribbons so as to suit the Colours of the Face with great Art and Success.

This Day is publish\’d An Essay on Criticism. Printed for W. Osborn, in Gray\’s Inn near the Walks; T. Graves, in St. James\’s Street; and T. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall. Price 1s. Saturday, March 24, 1. Dorinda of nothing afraid, She\’s sprightly and gay, a valiant Maid, And as bright as the Day. Tuesday, March 27, 1. That\’s his sign. And here\’s now mystery and hieroglyphic. Already had an awesome listening experience this night, with only Fidelizer Pro installed on my audio pc not yet the control pc.

It is amazing how a recording of low to medium quality can sound much better. In fact the recording is likely of a better quality that was not obvious before. Hi, I am very pleased with the 8. The sound quality increase is absolutely fantastic from the previous version I was on 7.

The soundstage and imaging has greatly improved as well! Everything great now. Amazing product, you must be very proud of your achievement. I have all the Beatles albums and have played them many times. But they never sounded as good, clean with great ease as they are sounding tonight! Very musical too. I did not expect the results to be THIS amazing. You should be proud. It feels like I spent thousands on upgrades! Everything sounds new! Thank you for doing this.

First, I must confess, I had a free version of Fidelizer for probably over 2 years before I now finally upgraded — Sorry! Pro cannot be re-started manually while OS is running? Only started automatically at startup.

Without Fidelizer I often hear massive distortions similar to harmonic distortions but not correlated with audio but rather noisy in character. It masks the details but also covers up bass and high frequencies. Music therefore sounds flat and annoying, emphasizing mostly mid range frequencies.

After reboot it becomes maybe bearable, but it would get really bad after running windows for several days. Restarting Fidelizer, restarting would help for a while. But after a while I would have to reboot anyway. The Pro version of Fidelizer is definitely more effective. The sound is much cleaner and more detailed, but also a richer and smoother sound less mid range emphasis. With my PC setting, Fidelizer is an absolute must.

Aurender for Audio. The neat thing about the nimitra is the bridge network setup. My concerns are that an external linear power supply may not be enough, as there are probably other voltages needed on the board i. Ideally there would be dedicated hardware that completely caches and re-clocks the signal, but I have not heard about such a device that completely isolates the source — they all seem to let some noise through according to reviews and personal experience , which is somewhat disconcerting.

I have been using the Fidelizer for a while and i am very impressed. I have also played with the settings and bypassed the sonic effects as I feel they degrade the sound.

You are a great man. Fidelizer Pro works very well. All the noises pops are gone and the sound is more transparent and three-dimensional. The DAC always was very transparent and unforgiven of any noise that came to its inputs and…windows 10…jesus, so much running garbage ruining the sound…. I have a very revealing system. The sound gained details, space, bass definition, the background was darker.

Then I built a balanced, single-ended class A amplifier, DC-coupled two gain stages only. The overall sound was impressive. All along I was working on minimising the switching artifacts coming from the laptop used as a JRiver streamer , so I was under-clocking the CPU, killing the unnecessary services, playing with the power supply. Every single bit contributed toward a more natural presentation. Then I came across Fidelizer, and tried a demo version.

Initial impression was very positive immediate improvement in bass definition and darker background, more space as well…. I decide to get the Pro version, and now I am totally hooked on this app. The sound is so satisfying, wide and deep that I feel like I can stand up and walk to each instrument.

I will now install Win Server from the scratch, and then install only the bare minimum JRiver and the necessary drivers , and then treat it with Fidelizer Pro.

The audio player without network connections profile is infinitely better than any other profile. Option to choose filters is also nice. The best thing is that the Fidelizer opens the JRiver on bootup and then starts playing the music.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I just wanted to let you know that I am very pleased with Fidelizer: a few weeks later, my hifi suppliers were at home to deliver my new Mark Levinson amp and they had goosebumps when we turned on the system — I am fully convinced that your wonderful product was a significant part of that feeling.

Keep up the good work. Many thanks for this great software. I could perceive that Fidelizer brought a very nice and welcome improvement of sound quality in addition to JPlay and Audiophile Optimizer.

The playback is smoother, more detailed and more natural. Thank you very much! That was it, fixed and reloaded everything and it works perfectly with correct version number. For once digital is vible reproduction of a recording. I take everything BacK!!! Got my Latency down from to 64!!!! Thanks so much!!! I have to report back since jplay is configured well as dual setup, hibernate on my win 10 audio pc, the sound quality has improved dramatically with Fidelizer Pro.

The setup only with AO3 and jplay sounded good, but the server audio pc sounded better. Now the win 10 audio pc with Fidelizer pro sounds a few steps better than the server audio pc. You did magic! Your software installed without event and configured easily. The results, frankly, have surprised me. I listen to music through headphones neighbors, you know and have put together a Schiit stack Modi, Magni H with decent cables and I have headphones from BeyerDynamics and Sennheiser.

Things sounded good. Things now sound: more detailed; better defined in space and tighter, Your software has brought joy. I recently bought Fidelizer Pro after first trying the free version. And I am very pleased with it. First of all the product was delivered very quickly. The program runs without any trouble. After I sent Keetakawee a mail to ask for suggestions for the program settings I got an answer almost immediately. The sound quality in my system improved noticeably.

Two things are most striking. I hear more separation between the different instruments. The soundstage has become wider which improves the emotion I feel whilst listening. My setup: I mainly listen to classical music and jazz I use Audirvana to stream from Qobuz. And I listen to internet radio stations from my web browser. Therefore I use a simple HP-laptop that is only used for streaming, I do nothing else with that computer. Kind regards from a happy Fidelizer customer. Harm The Netherlands.

I was skeptical of this. Although it had many good reviews. So I purchased it. Let me tell you. With the correct settings for your system. It makes a remarkable difference!

YMMV of course. I was pleasantly amazed. I am not sure how it does so, but I am just glad that it does. The difference is not subtle it is profound. I am using the most expensive DAC made. Loaded with mono power bases. I am using a dedicated NUC music server. The difference this makes is truly amazing. I tried the Fidelizer Pro this morning. First impression is that the sound is richer and more natural, it seems that the noise floor has decreased.

I am happy with what I heard. My computer is an industrial 4 core Intel 8watts laptop RAM, in a fanless case. The signal wire is all copper ribbon wire, 2 inches wide for speaker cables. First I thought the bass diminished a fair bit, and tightened it up a lot.

I thought the horrible muddy sound in the bass was from my room modes. Obviously, it was not just that, for as I listened further the bass was now revealed with the rest of the music. The bass became more controlled and articulate, I could hear the skin of the drum in the bass sound. My speakers are isolated on springs, and are without a doubt the best engineered item in my system, they measure very well both electrically, and sonically on and off axis.

Fidelizer turned my computer into a real music server, and what I thought was a pretty good sound stage revealed so much more going on in the recording. Yeah well, the pages have opened for my music.

I have reasonably good hardware, just needed to get the software, now room treatment! Your program is the very first computer enhancer I have tried, with MinorityClean. Thank you so much for a product that delivers!

For the same cost as my speaker springs, it does about the same in revealing the music! Time almost stood still; I listened to music for about 2 hrs straight and it seemed like 10 minutes went by.

Just to qualify myself, Im a pro musician and sound engineer most of my life, having worked in and around hollywood CA studios for almost 30 years, up until just a few years ago. Thank you Keetakawee, Your program is the best!. Fantastic improvement all round.! I should have done this years ago. Shall venture to Purist level and beyond when braver with use. The quality of sound from my laptop is simply awesome.

High praise to you!! Best Regards to you and stay safe. First off, while playing music sounds fantastic. Resolution is increased, imaging is much better, soundstage bigger and deeper. Things sound more natural in general. Thank you for providing a product that helps me eliminate this extra noise from the system, it has been a problem for me for a long time.

Just had my first 2 hours with Fidelizer pro. I enjoyed listening more; it was more worth it. I can creep deeper into the recordings; closer to the source. Red book comes closer to DXD. Like so many already wrote: the investment is really worth it.

Thank you for doing the math so we can enjoy the music. Fidelizer works really, really well here. I am surprised at how much hash disappeared. A much more relaxed natural sound, but the best is the sound stage. Another way of saying it is that the holographic sound I already had is now intensified. Hope that makes sense. Am actually amazed at how good the Digione is.

I compared Core Isolation and Processor Priority settings and have preferred default settings. One thing I have say, the tweaks is worth a buy. Music is organic, natural, dimensional and crispy clear with darker background. I have never heard any other tweaks closer to this both on Windows and Linux. A cheapest computer with this tweak can replace transports that cost several thousands.

Awesome job! The software installs and works flawlessly on my Windows server R2 machine. The sound quality is excellent as ever. Thank you for a quick delivery. Thanks again. Hallo, thank you for your greatest support. Fidelizer works now very well and i get a much better Sound.

New Fidelizer significant improvement over previous iteration. Wish I were still doing reviewing. Thank you for the refund! Loving it and this new one is for an audio specific PC. Really getting close to CD transport quality. Just cant bare to listen with out it now!

It sounds even more analog with new x chipset and Ryzen 5 CPU. Mids seem to be more detailed, and listening is definitely more relaxed…. Lower noise floor, more details and increased soundstage. Big thank you!! Thank you for your quick reply, I believe I am already very impressed with the result, your program works and sounds great, especially with the master tapes on Tidal, it is really audible..

The result surprises me. Sound is really better! Much more details, precision and dynamics…Thank you for all. So I know it already makes a meaningful difference. I suspect that may be a very good solution for my needs. Seems like the core isolation does some good things to further improve the clarity of music playback. All in all, Fidelizer is a superb tool to improve the total quality of playback through my PC and Windows and well worth the money.

My Pianoteq is performing much better than before! For me Fidelizer is super! Hi Keetakawee. I just want to say that I am extremely happy with your product. What made even more happy was to find the cics mode in the profile. Thank you many times! Really impressive and very solid improvements in my SQ. Thanks a lot! Thanks sooooooo much!! Keetakawee, your Fidelizer on this system brings really a huge improvement, much more I could appreciate on the old tablet.

Sounds really great. Awesome, thanks! The results blew me away and gives a punchy new life to my Yamaha analogue stereo and lastly TV to line in. Smooth digital sound analog lifelike presence. Never knew there was so much recorded detail that I was not hearing.

Streaming music W10, Asus, Nvidia x a bit of overclock. Headphone line out to stereo line in. One year in now learning about mixing, binaural, ambisonic formats with degree surround sound. I found immersive presence but everything was lacking fidelity. Problem is solved by Fidelizer Pro. Good info on forums on audiofile. It is nice to still be able to purchase things without getting ripped off and I do thank you for that.

I have installed your software and have been having an extended listen to it in fact the the first thing I started was a harpsicord recording of Purcell harpsicord suites and what a delight it was with your new software in place. Hapsicords ha a lot of treble energy which can be very tiresome with extended listening but I have to say that it was really well behaved and I listened to the whole file with no fatigue so it will be very welcome to me.

I hope to get a more balanced listening test soon and I shall tell you how I am getting on. Thank you Keetakawee. You achievements with Fidelizer is nothing than astonishing. Big bow and for your product and your dedicated customer support. It will pay off one day. I freaking love your Fidelizer. Less laggy even though when booted up, Fidelizer running and it took a few seconds than I used to. This is just Awesome! I paid for your Pro version blindly as I witnessed how great the DX performed.

Sure enough I was not disappointed! In fact, I had always been desiring and craving for something that can stream YouTube better, and this is spot on! Only this feature is worth the money, let alone other improvements from HQPlayer app and so on. I just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful software! Since I started doing this conversion, and while I have a powerful server, other processes and programs would sometimes interfere and cause skipping and stuttering during playback.

Track switching is faster now as well. The result of the Upgrade from Fidelizer 7. The separation of the instruments is better, the voices are clearer and the bass is stronger. There is no more harshness in the high tones.

The music is more live than before. Great work. I think the sounding became better: more detalized and more clear. I want to Tell you that Fidelizer 8 for me is the biggest improvdment in sound since i use fidelizer.

Its wonderfull. Hope you will go further in the future???. Do you use a Devialet Expert for yourself? Hello, what did you guys do in version 8. It took my PC to a whole new level in fidelity. Fidelizer 8 is working without any problems and the sound is impressive. I have read the reviews on Nimitra and will contact you later in the year about purchasing a unit. It all works fine now. Thanks for your support.

The sound is amazing. Fidelizer 8. The new interface is brilliant and the configuration is very simple. Though each of these settings has a very obvious impact on audio quality!

Albums are selected from within the program by right clicking on the drop down bar to set a target folder. It helps if all the files within the folder are of the same sampling rate and bit depth. Thanks for all your hard work. So far all is working and sounding great, using the minimal setting.

Even my cat feels the change. Again I have to express my gratitude, deep appreciation and respect for your great work. Thank you — I have installed it and its running well, sounds good. My wife no interest in high end audio made the comment about my system sounding exceptionally good today.

She has never done that before. The only change since her last listen was the upgrade to Fidelizer v. It sounds fantastic! Thank you, and have a Happy New Year! My system is as close to audiophile as I can get on a budget. I built the computer using a motherboard which has a Realtek chip on it which can capably do 24 bit, , Hz. JRiver ais my player app.

I used foobar for a long time and one day decided to try JRiver on a whim. JRiver was able to bypass the Windows sound settings completely which foobar was supposed to do and did not and sounded better to me, so I thought it was worth the reasonable investment.

I think when foobar was new it was comparable to JRiver in sound, but foobar does not get updated much, and I think JRiver has done a better job of keeping up with the times.

I love reggae music amongst other genres, and just love the sound of the bass from this amp. More note than boom. The biggest investment was my large Mirage speakers, and not only are they very accurate and musical, but they do disappear at higher volume levels as the name implies. Upon inital installation I chose Purist and Audio Player from the wizard, then looked at advanced settings to see your defaults for this setting.

For daily PC use I will use less extreme settings but for serious listening I reboot with serious settings. I left networking on for serious listening breaks.

They are however obviously not as accurate or muscular as the Mirages with the tube amp. With the Mirages and the new version 8. I heard even more distinct vocals, backup vocals, guitars, keyboards and horns, even when when things get musically busy and all were competing for midrange space.

The bass was perhaps even a bit more well behaved than the previous version. The kick drum and bass guitar could each be heard even more distinctly while competing with each other for the woofers. The improved imaging from the pro versionis new improved, and is another reason I think your creation is well worth the money for anyone who imagines they have a fine ear for sound and music and a music system which can make good or better use of a cleaner source.

Now I have to re-listen to my entire music collection. Thanks so much. I am testing it, right now. I use the Audiophile, Audio Render configuration. The only thing better than your customer service, is the improvements you get in sound quality. Fidalizer 8. Hi, Sound is much better.

Great work! Regards Jarek. Thank you very much, my little system is really punching above its weight now. Hi, Keetakawee Received and running well. Much improved in both fidelity and detail than ever, say much more closer to my CD player. Working well with Roon and HQPlayer. My Layla II reaches more of the power. This works great, like a new player, love the options you have done great work keep it up.

Sq is now close to perfect. Fidelizer plus optimized sq of ao Noticeably. Sound is now concert hall like or hard Rock stage — whatever you like. I spent some time last night I live in Italy listening on earphones and this morning connecting to my hifi setup. Only one word: Incredible improvement also over Plus Version. Everything more transparent, more focus and more Music! Thank you so much! All right. The difference with the Plus version is very large.

Good job. Thank you — I did a bit of listening last night and again this morning. It sounds tremendous. Many thanks for your time in your responses — I do appreciate it very much. Having said that This new 7. Can it get any better? Could enlighten me a bit on these other software programs are they like fidelzer or a completely different animal. Keep up the excellent work. And it came by a USB!

Thank you so Janos. I will let you know after some serious listening. So far so good. I am impressed. I recently upgraded to 7.

I was pretty surprised with the change and just enjoyed everything. There are a couple reasons for this. Fidelizer loads automatically and there is no legitimate switch to easily turn it on or off without uninstalling it, at least as I understand it, and I may be wrong.

I buy moderately high end gear and try and get the best from my gear without sitting around trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper shaker.

I chose to buy Fidelizer after doing some lengthy research. People I respect said positive things about it and I went with it. I am not going to test relentlessly or agonize over the level of improvement. What I do know is when I come home and put my headphones on and turn up some well recorded and engineered music, my smile is very big, and it stays with me a long while.

I am happy. I use the laptop for playing music at the cottage I frequent a number of times through the summer. I must say, this is really an improvement. I run an Altec A7 bi-amplified horn system with single ended triode amplifiers. It is extremely revealing. Solo voice is an extreme test. Your software made an improvement that is startling. I will move on to your best software package shortly. Only after i run fidelizer free for the first time i realized how tired the sound made me.

I was wondering in what other dimensions software could possibly make further improvement to SQ, then i got surprised again mainly because i was expecting something else. Hello My fidelizer Pro Works perfectly. The sound is wonderfull of naturel. Thank you very very much for this program. I use Fidelizer 7. This gives a very natural analog sound. Fidelizer Pro works great for me. In the first place, I do not want to fiddle with computer settings and this product is easy to use.

Tested it in my office free version and in my main system and the improvement in SQ was obvious in both. I heard improved separation between instruments, a blacker background, and deeper bass rendition.

Listened to the Pro version of the software over the weekend. Thanks for the software that provides the finishing touch. Please accept my gratitude and delight!

Your product is great! I again listen to my collection of audio recordings and it is a delight! I wish You great success and new developments! Vitaly Kanischev.



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