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Windows 10 1809 installer
Addresses an issue that may cause authentication to fail for certificate-based authentication when the certificate authentication includes a cname as part of the pre-authenticationrequest. However, these queries do not fail on domain controllers running previous versions of Windows Server. Addresses an issue that causes group membership changes in Active Directory groups to fail. Addresses an issue in which the Set-AdfsSslCertificate script is successful.
However, it throws an exception during resource cleanup because the target server-side endpoint is no longer there. Addresses an issue that may cause the Calculator app to close unexpectedly if you select any available Converter option. Addresses an issue that causes excessive central processing unit CPU usage when users switch applications or hover over the Taskbar.
They may fail to return results after the first page of data, often 50 or entries. Addresses an issue with the Origin request header behavior in Internet Explorer when you make cross-origin resource sharing CORS requests that use redirected resources in internal subnets. Allows auditing of security events for clients managed by mobile device management MDM for security monitoring and incident response activities.
Addresses an issue that prevents Microsoft App-V from handling a parameter of the CreateProcess API properly, which prevents the virtual process from opening. Addresses an issue that causes a device to stop working when opening files from a network drive that has client-side caching enabled.
This issue may occur when the device has certain third-party antivirus products installed and the drive is backed by a server that is not a Microsoft Server Message Block SMB server. Vendor List Privacy Policy. The distribution is the original MSDN image. Download Windows 10 – Version This installer is an official MSDN image.
Language: English. Catalog Menu. Windows Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 8. In some cases the Bootable USB gets put to the top of the Boot Menu and users end up in a loop restarting the clean install from scratch. After the restart Windows will spend some time getting ready:. You\’ll then be asked if you wish to select another keyboard layout. Assuming you don\’t want another keyboard layout select skip:.
You will taken to the following screen where you have to choose a wireless network to connect to. You will not be shown this screen if Windows 10 doesn\’t have your wireless card driver inbuilt or you are already connected via ethernet:. If you are already connected to a network via ethernet the Windows 10 setup will automatically search for some updates and then take you to the user accounts setup screen:.
The following screens are setup in a way that you must select an option before the next button shows i. In the first screen you will be asked to setup your account.
Select setup for personal use then select next:. Microsoft recommend signing in with a Microsoft Account which makes it easier if you use many of their inbuilt Apps and Services in particular OneDrive and Mail or wish to purchase Apps from the Microsoft Store.
Input your username and press Next. You will then be given screens to set a password and mandatory security questions in case you forget the password. You\’ll now be taken to the Services and Privacy Options of the Setup. What you select here is entirely your own decision…. Again the following screens are setup in a way that you must select an option before the next button shows i. Input your phone number and Microsoft will text you further instructions:.
If you have signed in with a Microsoft Account it will ask if you want to use OneDrive, their cloud service. In essence it allows you to save all your files to Microsoft storage servers. The advantage of doing this is:. Alternatively if you are not happy with having your files saved to cloud, you can select \”Only Save Files to this PC\”.
Next you can Accept or Decline Cortana. Cortana is essentially an updated version of Windows Search incorporated into a speech assistant. It will also use Bing for an additional search online. If you are signed in with a Microsoft Account you can opt to share your device history across all the devices you are signed into. See below where I explain Device History in a bit more detail:. It will bring up Device History.
To the top right of Device History you can switch Virtual Desktops. This on a single computer essentially lets you have independent Desktop spaces e. Of course having so many things open requires a sufficiently powerful computer but for most users, most computers made in the last 5 years should handle this without issue. At the bottom of the week it tells you, you can have up to a month long timeline if you are signed in with a Microsoft Account.
The next setting is related to Cortana and Speech Recognition. If you want to interact with her using speech recognition, you\’ll need to Enable Use Online Speech Recognition. At present most people I know, including myself don\’t use any of these technologies. That said, speech recognition software, dictation and narration are still in the very early days and we\’ll likely see huge future innovations in this area in the future.
Although here in Scotland we will see the innovations maybe about 20 years after that… as people and computers usually struggle a wee bit more with our accents.
Windows 10 Version Media Creation Tool. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Thanks for the kind feedback and donation. I\’m glad you found my guides useful. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Loading Comments
Windows 10 1809 installer – {dialog-heading}
Подобно айсбергу машина скрывала девяносто процентов своей массы и мощи под поверхностью. Ее секрет был спрятан в керамических шахтах, уходивших на шесть этажей вниз; ее похожий на ракету корпус окружал лабиринт подвесных лесов и кабелей, из-под которых слышалось шипение фреоновой системы охлаждения. Генераторы внизу производили постоянный низкочастотный гул, что делало акустику в шифровалке какой-то загробной, присущей миру призраков.
«ТРАНСТЕКСТ», подобно всем великим технологическим достижениям, появился на свет в силу необходимости. В 1980-е годы АНБ стало свидетелем революции в сфере телекоммуникаций, которой было суждено навсегда изменить весь мир разведывательной деятельности, – имеется в виду широкая доступность Интернета, а если говорить конкретнее – появление электронной почты.