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NET Framework 2. NET Framework 3. Check out our contributor guide to ask questions, start discussions, or make feature proposals. The ShareWindowCommandSource class provides a framework to communicate with the Windows shell to present a UI that controls window sharing. You also can test how your apps will run on Windows Phone 7. An InfoBadge is a small piece of UI that can be added into an app and customized to display a number, icon, or a simple dot. Released in conjunction with the Windows 10 Creators Update version It is an exciting time for Windows developers, as new tools and frameworks are in active development. Windows Package Manager. The KnownSimpleHapticsControllerWaveforms class allows you to configure this experience for your app\’s users.❿
Windows SDK – Windows app development | Microsoft Developer
The KnownSimpleHapticsControllerWaveforms class allows you to configure this experience for your app\’s users. Professional developer tools, services, winxows subscription benefits for small teams. Analysis Reporting Integration Notification.❿