Word Cookies Hazelnut Level 3 Answers | Word Cookies Answers

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Word Cookies Hazelnut.Word Cookies Hazelnut Answers

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It provides a great outlet to exercise your mind, while having fun. Your goal is to search among the letters to find the correct words. Careful though only certain word are accepted, which raises the challenge.

Sometimes the levels are too hard, but you should not give up! Keep trying and you might surprise yourself, but if all else fails then checkout our site to provide an extra clue. Level 1 act air arc art car cat far fat fir fit rat tar tic cart fact fair fiat raft rift craft tariff traffic. Level 2 con eon ice ion one vie cine coin cone cove icon nice once oven vein vice vine ionic voice novice invoice. Level 3 air arc cap car cay cry icy ivy par pay pry rap ray rip via airy carp pair pray racy vary privy vicar piracy privacy.

Level 4 age ail aim ale eel elm gel gem lag leg lie gale game glee lame lime mail male meal mile agile eagle email gleam image mileage. Level 5 act aid ail awl cat lad law lid lit tad tic wad wit acid clad claw dial laid tail wail wait wild wilt tidal wildcat.

Level 6 eel elf fee let tee clef feel feet felt fete flee free fret leer left reef reel tree cleft elect erect fleet reflect. Level 7 ale all are ear era lay lye ray rue rye ally earl lure real rely rule year yell alley early layer rally relay allure laurel really.

Level 8 dig din dog don gin god hid hog ion lid log nil nod oil old gold hind hold idol lion loin long doing holding. Level 9 bio elk ilk lie oil ski sob bike bile boil elks isle lies like lobe lose oils silk silo slob soil sole boils kilos likes lobes obelisk.

Level 10 aid awe dew die via vie wad wed aide avid awed diva dive idea vied view wade wave wide waive waved waived. Level ace aid awe dew die ice via vie wad wed aced acid aide avid awed cave dice diva dive iced idea vice vied view wade wave wide caved waive waved advice waived.

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Tap to reveal an answer:. Every answer to Word Cookies including Cookie Jar words, even for the new puzzles! Spoiler-free cheats. Minimal advertising. Tap a word to reveal it!


Word Cookies Hazelnut Answers.Cheats for Hazelnut Level 3 – Word Cookies: Master Chef

Thanks, close this message. Level 6 eel elf fee let tee clef feel feet felt fete flee free fret leer left reef reel tree cleft elect erect fleet reflect. Level 14 den die din eel end ice led lid lie nil cede cine dice dine iced idle lend lice lied lien line need nice lined niece decline. We personalize your advertising experience. Level 17 fee fen men met net tee ten feet fern fete free fret meet mere reef rent teem teen term tern tree enter meter ferment.


Word Cookies Hazelnut 3.Word Cookies Hazelnut Pack Level 3 Answers

Word Cookies! Master Chef-Hazelnut Level 3 Answers, Cheats, Solutions including Bonus Words for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android and other devices with. Word Cookies Hazelnut for Level 3 It\’s kid friendly and the perfect free word puzzle game for kids, adults, girls, boys, and everyone who likes word. Word Cookies Hazelnut Level 3 Answers and Cheats for iPhone, iPhone 7, iPhone 6, This game is the perfect free word puzzle game for kids, adults, girls.


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